[@CrystalApple] I've got to say that that mage is weird, that backstory and skill set are even less magus like than Shirou at his lowest magecraft knowledge point. A family that is both as eclectic as that and willing to train all of their children is very unusual to say the least, unless they are like gen 1 or 2 and are trying to take a shot at everything until they can establish their own tradition, because it's impossible to pass a Crest under such conditions, especially when the crest itself wouldn't contain anything worthy the effort to pass it forward. However, I loved that choice for Caster. If she gets approved, I like to pair her up with my Master. Literally, there could be no better choice for Emilia than an obscure artist Servant like that. The two of them would probably be a weak duo but they would have a lot of synergy.