Would there be any connection between Grotling Soul Weapons and the Ik'Grarg'Ki of the Treeminds? Though Grotling Soul Weapons are clearly far more powerful, I always imagined the Treeminds as having a spiritual bond with their Ik'Grarg'Ki. But in my mind I placed it under Belruarcian rather than Astartian magic. Now that I think on it though, the intrinsically emotional nature of the bond and the process of carving the Ik'Grarg'Ki lends more credence to it being Astartian in nature. But, beyond the 1 Might spent on creating the Treeminds, I never spent anything on teaching them that particular magic. So they either tapped into Astartian magic on their own (which explains why, beyond the bond itself, there isn't much to Ik'Grag'Kis), or its purely psychological. I found the similarities fascinating and think there is potential there for Treeminds to learn from Grotlings. Somehow. That is, if they haven't already developed their Ik'Grag'Kis in some different manner. Will need to work out what's happened to them since whenever. Edit: Page 27. The name's Khlimber. Kho Khlimber. Now - to the head! [img]http://gif-finder.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Goat-climbing-on-Ram.gif[/img] Whoooo [img]https://i.imgur.com/NOfyTDD.gif[/img]