Kai stumbled back a few steps as the caravan started to move, just only managing to keep his balance. He caught a glimpse of Roxy when she appeared out in the open to distract the guards as the man in white was driving away. He was puzzled, not expecting her to ever do such a thing, and hoped that she would be able to escape with most of the guards' attention currently on her. Not having to face any more guards for the time being, he lowered himself to lie on his front so as to reduce the possibility of falling off of the moving vehicle. Just as he had crawled his way to the front porch, the man shouted some instructions to him. Grab some coins? That seemed like a rather strange thing to get him to do. He would comply for the moment, considering the current situation, but knowing the reason for the confusing request was probably important as well. He dropped himself off of the edge onto the front footboard, right behind the horse that the stranger in white was riding. "Aye, Sir! But what for?" He asked as he threw the front doors of the carriage open hoping to see some coins lying about. Right when he had stepped in, however, he heard an unusual sound coming from behind the back doors of the carriage. It sounded like someone was moving back there. Did a guard manage to get onto the caravan? Not wanting to engage in a sword fight inside the moving caravan, he wrapped his fingers around the grip of the flintlock pistol tied at his waist as he waited for the back doors to open. He wanted to end this one quick, and he had one shot. He hoped it would be all he needed. [@KatherinWinter] [@FalkiThomas] [@Sleeth] [@King Tai] [@SantosGabriel77]