[center][h2]The Samgolan Patriotic Party[/h2][/center] After his speech in Modiali, Xirsi travelled back to Kamidye in preparation for the debate that was scheduled to happen between and the man was determined to raise the rather low support the party had overall. Upon his arrival in Kamidye he had time to release a speech upon a topic that the party had found important, the industrialization of the nation. He had it all planned out, in fact it had been planned for a few weeks, but he wasn’t confident in whether to present it or not. Though, his some of his closest people say that it may very well bring some much needed support before the debate were to happen. As he walked onto the small platform to deliver the speech, once more did his most radical of people cheered before a word was said. Xirsi continued to be confused on why they didn’t save their applause for afterwards, but it was flattering. “Hello people of Kamidye, I am here today to discuss the opportunity we have, as a nation, to industrialize and urbanize. I am in full support of this urbanization as it will help become a competitive force with the world market, it will allow an increase in employment, and overall increase our GDP. With that said, I promise that by allowing this industrialization, I will lower our nation’s unemployment crisis. I will not rest until I can say that we as a nation, have the lowest unemployment rate in comparison to other nations.” “In this world, industrialized nations are among the most successful. Examples of this are the United States, China, Germany. They are testaments to what industrialization can bring to an economy, it brings about a higher employment and better economy, more money for even the poorest of people. No matter what, industrialization is the way to the future the way to a Samgolan future! Praise Samgola and have a good night, my brothers and sisters.” With that speech, promising to lower unemployment, Xirsi retired to the building he was staying in to prepare for the debate, primarily planning for any questions that may present themselves even the most ridiculous or the most loaded questions that could be fired from the machine gun that was the populous. [hider=Week 4 Actions] [b]Travel By Car:[/b] To Kamidye [Costs 0 Energy and $4,000.] [b]Speech:[/b] Support[i] Urbanization and Industrialization[/i] [Costs 1 Energy Point. -$10,000. Increases Your Party's Support in that State.] [b]Campaign Promise:[/b] Lower Unemployment, 15% [b]Two Unspent Energy points[/b] = +10% Starting Support in Week 5 debate[/hider]