Timothy-James Macburl stepped out of his car and looked around, hoping that nobody was around to notice the screeching tires and skid marks that he'd made attempting to escape his responsibilities. Walking around to the trunk he reflected on the night he’d had. What was supposed to be a basic meeting with Professor Stein had turned into an all-night discussion on the plausibility of King Arthur having been a Roman, followed by a last-minute packing frenzy, all fueled by Pizza and Coffee. T.J. threw his duffel bags over his shoulder and surveyed his new house-share, taking a deep breath but making sure not to relax too much, he’d hate to collapse on the steps of his new place on the first day! As he opened the gate and stepped onto the path T.J. felt something stir. He couldn’t define what had stirred, he couldn’t even really describe what it was he’d felt, but he [i]had[/i] felt it. However, lacking anything in his surroundings looking out of the ordinary from what he could see, T.J. shook himself and looked at his watch, 6:30am, (a little early but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem) continued to the door and, somehow managing basic arm movement around the three duffels thrown over his shoulders, he knocked.