[@MagratheanWhale] [hider=Lanithi Valkas] [color=3A5F0B][b]Name:[/b][/color] Lanithil Valkas [color=3A5F0B][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=3A5F0B][b]Age:[/b][/color] 128 [color=3A5F0B][b]Race:[/b][/color] Wood Elf [hider=Appearance] [img]http://static.wixstatic.com/media/a7d44e_ceed96ca40944c578c321a56978bae8a~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_284,h_460,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/a7d44e_ceed96ca40944c578c321a56978bae8a~mv2.png[/img] [/hider] Sitting at a comfortable 5’ 10” Lanithil is deceptively thin. His race is revealed in his pointed ears and pure pale skin while his woodland heritage is given away by his piercing leaf green eyes and long flowing oak brown hair. Casually he wears a deep green tunic with dark brown pants. In battle, he dawns leather armor with distinctive leaf patterns and the blue cloak of the inquisition. He also paints his face with markings long believed to help conceal their wearer. [color=3A5F0B][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Though he moves and speaks with the grace of most elf kind, you will soon find the soft smile of Lanithil is a mischievous one. A jokester at heart, Lanithil will often say or do things to cheer up the bleak moods of his comrades, even if it causes him some trouble. Even to an elf like him Lanithil sees life as too short to be taken serious all the time. One must learn to laugh and enjoy life for it to be worth it. And yet, you will not find such foolishness with Lanithil on the field of battle. Once his bow is drawn, the ranger takes hold. He will follow orders without question, move with silence and haste, and kill without hesitation. [color=3A5F0B][b]History:[/b][/color] The son of two woodland rangers, Lanithil Valkas was destined to take up the bow for his people. From an early age he was trained in a number of skills from guerilla warfare to wilderness survival. He had daily weapon practice with bows and short swords becoming deadly proficient in both. While many of his kind we're trained in the same arts, Lanithil was exceptionally gifted, but to his superiors, this was not always a good thing. While Lanithil took his training seriously, he often found entertainment in using them for pranks and other practical jokes. One of his favorites was discreetly suspending a bucket of water from a rope, hiding nearby with his bow, shooting the rope once someone walked underneath, and stealthily leaving the area while a fuming elf looked for him. At least that was the plan. A few times he chose the wrong target for his pranks or made a mistake in his getaway that ended in his apprehension. By the time he graced one hundred and entered adulthood, Lanithil had grown out of his prankster ways but retained the knowledge of his mistakes. With this plus a century of training under his belt, it was no question if he was ready for the rangers. He spent the next 25 years serving faithfully until one day mysterious tracks were discovered just outside Ilanas. After several days following the trail, Lanithil and his squad came upon a group of skinnui blight. Though it was an easy fight, their very presence in the elves forest disturbed Lanithil. Having read the stories of what these creatures had done before, Lanithil decided to leave the rangers and join the Inquisition so that he could better protect his homeland. Having now spent 3 years with the Inquisition, Lanithil has learned a great deal about this enemy and is ready to face them. [color=3A5F0B][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [color=3A5F0B]Elven longbow -[/color] Crafted from the wood of the ancient trees in Ilanas and made custom to fit the needs of its user. Such a weapon is only made for the rangers of Ilandell, and the Inquisitors upon request. [color=3A5F0B]Elven short swords -[/color] Dual curved blades made by the finest Smith's in Ilandell. Their sharpness and outstanding durability are only matched by the craftsmanship of the dwarves. [color=3A5F0B]Hard leather armor -[/color] Standard for all rangers. Provides some protection without cost of mobility. [color=0076a3]Blue cloak -[/color] While Lanithil preferred the dark green cloak of his people, he finds the blue of the inquisition to work well when hiding under the glow of night. [color=3A5F0B][b]Magic:[/b][/color] N/A [color=3A5F0B][b]Extra:[/b][/color] [hider=Ilandell] Deep in the great forest of Ilanas lies the tree city of Ilandell, home of the wood elves. Centuries ago, for one of non-elven decent to even enter the sacred woods bore the penalty of death. While their woodland brothers were only permitted to come and go under cover of night as to avoid detection. Such strict ruling kept their people and secrets safe from the greed and blood lust of the other races for a time, but the same reclusive nature nearly lead their demise. Trusting themselves alone and holding little care for anything outside their borders, the wood elves refused to join the inquisition when it formed as they had not yet been hit by the blight. They had repelled countless attacks from other nations before, why would this foe be any different? If only they had listened. There are many accounts of how the blight made their attack on Ilanas. Some say they crept unnoticed in the night and struck in surprise, while others claim it was a large force that mercilessly assaulted the forest. Either way, the outcome was the same; for the first time in history, the city of Ilandell had been taken. Those that remained quickly saw the error in their ways and pledged allegiance to the inquisition. With the full support of the other races, the wood elves led a three day campaign to reclaim their homeland. Once they had succeeded, the wood elves continued aiding the inquisition until the land was finally cleansed of the blight. To show their gratitude towards the other races, the wood elves opened the forest and city to all and have since remained loyal to both the inquisition and the council. [/hider] [/hider]