[center][h2][color=turquoise]The Cereal Killer[/color][/h2] [@Lugubrious][@BCTheEntity][/center] Runch stood in silence as he waited for a reply that never came. Not even static to signify that the phylactery hadn't made a connection. It didn't matter though. The drone was there, constantly watching. Constantly recording them. The message would be relayed all the same, even if the medium was different. Apart from that, Runch was certain that the girl's brother already knew. He had to. The pirate didn't have a solid reasoning behind why he believed this to be true, but all the same he felt it was as absolute as gravity. [color=turquoise]"Time to shove off, Erina,"[/color] Runch calmly ordered. He was still seething from the ordeal, so much so that he forgot to call her "Miss" Erina. The captain turned his back on Motley Crue and began his journey toward his next opponent, guided by the drone in the air. He wondered what kind of person his next foe would be. Were they also attacked by rogue College agents? Would they believe Runch if he told them? Honorable? Evil? Reasonable? Deranged? It wouldn't matter. At the end of the day, he would still be leaving this city with his ship. [color=bc8dbf]"It wasn't necessary, but she's not gone, you know,"[/color] Erina added, catching up and walking by Runch's side. [color=bc8dbf]"Death isn't the end."[/color] Runch shook his head. [color=turquoise]'Maybe not. Your abilities will give philosophers a bigger headache then they've ever experienced, I imagine. But it's not just about the killing itself. It's... Not something I suppose I can explain to someone like you."[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"Because I commune with the dead?"[/color] she asked, attempting to clarify. [color=turquoise]"Because you're immortal."[/color] He let that statement hang in the air for a few moments while Erina pondered it. When she opened her mouth to ask for details, he cut her off. [color=turquoise]"I don't much feel like talking right now. Sorry lass."[/color] [hr][hr] [center][h2][color=darkviolet]The Murder[/color][/h2] [@Lugubrious][/center] Samuel had decided to stop following the summoner as he crossed the bridge, for he encountered a vastly more interesting sight. Living, moving graffiti? That was a new one, even for him. He followed the creature back into the dilapidated streets of the city, the creature giving no indication it knew he was there, but all the same it felt as though the thing were leading him with a purpose. Very curious. Even the shadowy creatures that had attacked the summoner prior avoided the two of them. Was this out of some sense of respect? Or perhaps it was... Fear? Sweet sweet delicious fear, he was soooo hungry now. Someone needed to pay, someone needed to be [i]punished[/i] and feel the terror of the hunt! Swarmed, buried under guilt, torn to shreds, murder murder murder [i]murder[/i] SHUTUP! Samuel took a second to recompose himself, to reel in his Horror. Sometimes it felt like he and his soul were two completely separate entities, with his rational thoughts and its primal instinct at odds. He forced it to be quiet as he took in his surroundings: some sort of market district. The graffiti beast had taken residence on a wall nearby and hadn't moved since he arrived. Apart from it there was only one other thing to note: the filthy looking shopkeep. Tipping his hat down over he eyes, Sam approached cautiously. This whole thing was quite strange. Monsters lurked in the alleys and just off the street, no living people in sight, and here was this strange man as though he were out at prime time shopping hour? He took in the man's form to determine if this merchant were some sort of supernatural creature himself, before gazing down on the wares of the merchant. Pity his senses couldn't identify magical items as they could living things. [color=darkviolet]"Why are you out here?"[/color] he asked after a short pause, eyeing the statuette of a bird. It reminded him of himself, and that made him want to smash it. [color=darkviolet]"You have no customers, and it's dangerous to walk these streets with the creatures lurking nearby. One is nearby as we speak."[/color] He gestured in the direction of the graffiti thing using only his eyes.