I was sitting in silence in the back of the cab. I was looking at the few boxes that I had brought with me, the rest being in the trunk. Books, clothing, files, and a laptop. Basically my entire life. I always find it funny that I can easily pack up everything that I have gathered from these 21 years of life and be ready to move at a moment's notice. The cab slowly drew to a halt outside of the house. I opened the door, taking a few boxes with me. [color=00aeef]"I-I'm sorry, but can you wait here for a little bit? I have a few more things to grab."[/color] I said to the cab driver, he just grunted. I knew that the meter would still be running, so I'd have to be quick about it. I walked through the wrought iron gate after a little bit of difficulty pushing it open, and walked towards the door, doing my best not to let the boxes fall out of my arms. I saw that the door was open, I momentarily hesitated and then called out, [color=00aeef]"I'm coming in."[/color] I walked into the house and quickly set the boxes down next to the door. [color=00aeef]"S-Sorry, I-I'll be right back."[/color] I said, before rushing back outside. I rushed from the cab and to the house with two more boxes, and then finally extracting a bike from the cab driver and putting my backpack on. I shut the trunk of the cab and walked to the passenger window and gave the cab driver his fee. I walked back to the house, leaving my bike outside. I'd ask about where I could store it later, but I made sure that it wouldn't be in anyone's way before walking back inside. [color=00aeef]"S-Sorry."[/color] I said when I finally got inside. I looked at my boxes. [color=00aeef]"T-There's a basement room, correct? Er... if no one has any objections, I'll take it."[/color] I said, finally looking up at everyone.