D'yavol had been in the basement, listening to some classical music. It's sound was so loud it drowned out the noise outside. Though, one noise had alerted him.A car. He stood up from his belly down position, his face grew into a mischievous smile. He floated up toward the other's, "[color=a36209]Hello![/color]" Volki said in a perky way,"[color=a36209] Humans! Oh how I just love humans! So predictable![/color]" Then he heard the creaking of the door, and his face grew even more exited. Volki should have introduced himself to the new humans, but he had to play smart, he mine as well mess around with Marie. Floating over her, whispering to her so onoly she can hear, "[color=a36209] Now where did you [i] these[/i] A-Holes in this house, Mar-Mar?[/color] aiming to annoy her.