Name: Cedrick Roark Age: 19 Species: human (or so he thinks) Appearance: While not someone one might consider attractive, His physique has a charming "pop" (for lack of a better word) to it. His pale skin contrasts with his pitch black hair. He has piercing green eyes intently on the lookout. With his slight muscle tone and considerable height, he's large enough to be intimidating to at least those less bold. Powers: He finds himself to be more energetic and useful during the night hours. Strengths: Hand-to-hand combat, stealth, hunting/sniping Weaknesses: Slightly sluggish at day, plus he is much less reasonable when a werewolf is involved Bio: Cedrick Roark and his parents, Malcolm and Eldora, lived happily in their midwestern country home. His parents were generous and kind to him, they disciplined him in a loving matter, and overall Cedrick was happy with his family and life. One clear spring night, when Cedrick was 8 years of age, His house was attacked by a pack of werewolves. They tore through everything in their path, killing and devouring his parents. They were about to consume him as well, right when a BSA squad tranquilized the creatures and had them taken away. Cedrick was relocated to his uncle's house in the city, and the BSA wrote off the werewolf attack as a "freak accident", removing all evidence of werewolves from the area. Cedrick's uncle was abusive, getting drunk and beating up his nephew "for sport". He taught Cedrick some hand-to-hand fighting techniques, mainly so their fights would be more of a challenge for his uncle. Overall his uncle couldn't care less whether was healthy, happy, or at home. Because of this, Cedrick ended up becoming the class bully at school. After about 6 years living with his uncle, Cedrick ran from home for good to live in the alleyways. There he learned stealth from having to hide from police from time to time. Eventually Cedrick went to join the military. At training camp he was approached by the BSA and offered him a job for his experience with supernatural beings.