[@KatherinWinter] [color=f7941d]Henry "Hank" Dauterive[/color] / [color=2e3192]Michelle "Micheal" Jones[/color] The two men were still arguing and trying to figure out how to get to the kids, But the earth began to sake but they thought it was something else. "Okay how about we instead of arguing and messing about we discuss a plan" Henry said rubbing the back of his neck, "How about we figure out another way to save those kids and also try to find and deal with the demon WITHOUT any causality or anyone seeing us" He added furrowing his brow. "Okay Robert Smith we'll do it your way, But when we meet these assholes we're gonna do it my way" Micheal said as the two men were walking away for a moment trying to look for a passageway to the captured children. The two of them walking along the hallway of where they were currently their weapons at the ready.