That's a surprising interpretation, friend. Is that how they play him in the new CG ones? I didn't like the redesigns, so I haven't watched them. In the versions I watched- or read, in the comic's case- the character had some key differences. Great Britain was a washed-up old drunk who threw away the only woman who ever cared about him, was hated by basically everyone who knew him pre-modification, and to my knowledge was never involved with any branch of intelligence. In most stories he was basically just the comic relief and tended to get steamrolled anytime he entered a straight fight. In some versions, he also retained the same face/mass when he shapeshifted, but that's relatively inconsistent even within singular series so I can understand if you hadn't picked up on it. Your comment about wasted potential was helpful, though. I had thought 007's ability to create relevant equipment was actually a little too strong, but you've put my mind at ease. Thanks, friend!