[@Menhir] Just because I haven't read it in over 20 years doesn't mean I haven't read it at all, but I'll thank you for your assumptions and insulting my intelligence regardless. As far as God's War goes, no I am not referring to that whatsoever. I have no experience with God's War. I am relying 100% on my memory from reading the original stories, and watching the various anime productions. I attempted to research to back my claim, but found nothing. Ergo my memory was faulty and for being wrong I apologize. It has been a long time since I've fully thrown myself into this franchise. I love it very much for helping Ishinomori to guide and create the Sentai genre, as well as the pioneering it did for manga/anime and sci-fi in general. I don't remember where I got the MI6 bit, perhaps it bled over from somewhere else, I don't know, but I was 100% sure and tried to rely on my memory of something I hadn't experienced in decades. Usually my nerd-brain is an infallible steel trap.