[@MetalLover] What do you think of my sheet so far? [quote=@NecroKnight] [hider="WIP"] [center] [color=royalblue][h2]Kingdom of Britannia[/h2][/color] [i]"The greatest duty...is service to others."[/i] Flag/Banner [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/fb11/th/pre/f/2015/168/5/1/union_of_britannia_a__france_by_maonsie-d7ytkhv.png[/img] [hider=Political Environment and Government Type]Unitary technocratic semi-constitutional monarchy[/hider] [hider=Location On Map(In red)][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3e970591-2538-49bf-99e8-b42a51169396.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Demographics(Religious)] 65% Agnostic 25% Folk religion/Protestant mixed religion 10% Irish-Catholic [/hider] [hider=Demographics(Racial)] 77% Euro-White (Majority) 23% Mixed (Euro-Asian) [/hider] [hider=Culture]The current Kingdom is a mix of old British, Irish and Celtic Revivalism. By this point in history, it's almost impossible to tell the difference between the three - in art, language or music - with most labeled under the same category. In Britannian' society, people are both hard-working and highly-educated, a mixture that makes them be both a bit xenophobic and elitist towards outsiders. They are a country whom practice state-led euthanasia and eugenics, intelligence is a determinator for civil and economic rights and waste is seen as horrendous. [/hider] [hider=Important States and Cities] Saxonia; District Icelandia; District Britanny; Region Gronland; Region Norga; Region New Edinburgh; Capital Bergen; Military Outpost Rennes; Minor city Rejkav; Major City [/hider] [hider=History] [hider=Days of Iron: 2018 - 2058] When World War Three was unleashed, nobody expected it. Nobody in MI6, the CIA, NATO or likely even the GRU could have predicted it - nor of the wide-spread destruction unleashed. Despite the numerous preparations set in place during and after the Cold War - the United Kingdom wasn't spared nuclear destruction. The missile defense network around the British Isles managed to destroy some - yet Russian warheads got passed and destroyed the House of Parliament. While numerous officials were in the middle of talks about trying to stop the escalating crisis. Smaller tactical warheads also struck the regional parliament in Ireland, Wales and Scotland. In one swoop, most of the British leadership was killed off. Although, such an act had been prepared for - namely in the form of the Cromwell Protocol. The Cromwell Protocol had been signed into law during the darker days of the Second World War - when fear of Nazi bombing and invasion, set into motion a secret law that would be utilized to allow England to maintain a position of leadership and authority, in case most of Parliament and any successor were killed off. The Cromwell Protocol had been renewed and had added authority, included within the Protocol during the days of the Cold War. While after the Collapse of the USSR, the Cromwell Protocol was retired - yet in the rising tension of the 21st Century, it was renewed for another two decades. The motion of the Cromwell Protocol had been up for renewal in 2020 - although, two years before that everything changed. With most of Parliament and some of the Royal Family dead - the Cromwell Protocol went into motion, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge - was granted [i]de-facto[/i] control over the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branch of the Government and had de-facto authority of the British Armed Forces. Although by that point, he was the ONLY legal authority remaining. A cry for assistance to the British Isles was given to all ships flying under the flag of the United Kingdom. While the British Army was deployed to help in maintaining order. Namely the Crown had the plan into evacuating as many people as they could to the various surviving Commonwealth nations. While the initial plan had been to evacuate people in way of the fallout - it soon became evident, that nuclear exchange had happened across the entire world. Thus only a fraction of British society could be saved - while the rest would be left behind. While most of the Royal Family was prepared to flee and abolish the British Monarchy - a few handful of them were willing to stay and brave the storm. Namely they'd stay and not run away - as was their duty as Royalty. Those whom stayed, rallied around the leadership of the young Mary Windsor - 77th in-line, yet now Queen of England. --- Her rule could be considered both brutal, bloody yet necessary. With fallout killing both people and crops, chaos breaking out, separtism and sectarian violence on the rise, the entire British Isles needed to be pulled under the authority of the Crown - to even survive a day. Thus Executive Order 47 was given to all Royal Armed Forces. Queen Mary allowed most people who wanted, a last chance of escaping England - yet stated, that anybody staying would follow the order of the Crown. Those who would deny this declaration would be purged out with utmost efficiency. Once the deadline fell, anybody resisting was put down with the harshest and swiftest brutality. Anybody engaging in resistance, be it religious, racial, political, economic or social - were eliminated. Their leaders captured, tortured and killed. While the resisting territories were bombed with naval cannons or artillery fire. The brutal campaign to re-unite the scattered cities, purge the rebels and save as much infrastructure and resources as possible took nearly forty years. The situation further hampered with rising sea levels that started swallowing up more and more of the British mainland. With Ireland falling into the sea and into chaos, Mary III also had the Royal Armed Forces sweep across Ireland and secure it under British control. By the end of 2058, what was called the Days of Iron had come to an end - as much of newly formed British Archipelago came to rest in the hands of the English Crown. Mary the III, wouldn't live beyond her sixties, as once the last rebel holdout had been destroyed - she abdicated in favor of her son, before she commited suicide via gun. [/hider] [hider=Days of Hardship: 2060 - 2260] After the acts of Mary the III, with all of the British Isles under the control of the Crown, the hardest challenges were ahead. Namely what would be called the Days of Hardship was two centuries of a Dark Age - as most people would only understand the notion of working, brutal cold, and the iron-boot of the Crown. While harsh, the people of the slowly developing nation of Britannia were saved the pains of famine and radiation poisoning. While the Crown exercised absolute authority over everything, many had advisory from the surviving Intelligent Community - giving rise to a technocratic faction during the early days of Britannia. As genetically-modified seafood and eatable seaweed was cultivated within the new rivers formed. A heavily regulated society was also created in those years. Genetic engineering, eugenics and euthanasia was widely utilized - the notion, becoming that any waste of resources without future gain, sadly couldn't be afforded. Thus the policy of eliminating the mentally and physically ill became a part of Britannian policy until genetic engineering eliminated most such issues during the 2200s. Education became widely available and mandatory to attend - as Britannia lacked raw resources, they had to make due with everything they had, namely people. More and more complex systems and machinery were established. Recycling became a mandatory hobby, the notion of blind ignorance became anathema, laziness seen as the ultimate insult to being human. While the notion of democracy started gaining traction once more, it was quickly squashed by a second developing philosophy. Namely that of technocratic state - build upon by the notions of logic and reason - instead of the ignorance of the mass, demagoguery and subversion of the rule of law. In 2260, the House of Intellectuals was established, as an advisory body to the ruling Monarch. While regional leaders were allowed to be elected from the educated elite by their peers. [/hider] [hider=Days of Expansion: 2265 - 2355] The Days of Expansion was what followed, as radiation levels dropped to more safe levels and Britannia could re-establish trade with other sovereign regions of the world. Namely the Old Survivors of World War Three, in addition, the Crown of Britannia also looked to expand its territory. It sent forces to unify with Britanny and conquer what remained of once Northern France. Expeditions were also sent North to secure, both supplies of fresh water from Greenland and also the fertile lands of Iceland - after most of the inhabitants had regressed into tribal societies after the Third World War. This allowed the Kingdom of Britannia both to grow, expand and restore its Royal Navy to old heights - as Global Warming allowed Britannia to access the rich regions of the Artic Circle for both mineral and oil resources. During those times, they also started to come into contact with other [i]surviving[/i] nations - namely those that had reverted to piracy and privateering to survive. The Armed Forces of Britannia fought for several decades against the Neo-Scandivan Pirates - until many of their ships and bases were torched by the Royal Marines. As well as, the former pirate port of Bergen was seized by Britannia and also the region around it, called Norga. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Other] [hider=Queen of Iron, Mary III, Bloody Mary the Second][img]https://sites.google.com/site/codegeasstypemoon2000/_/rsrc/1477442616873/home/characters/subcategories/britannian-imperial-family/guinevere-de-britannia/Guinevere%20de%20Britannia.JPG[/img] [i]"Kill millions without remorse, and your a monster. Kill millions with justification, and your a tyrant. Kill millions with regret, and your a ruler."[/i] [/hider] [hider=King of War, Richard V, Lion-Heart the Third][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/greatmultiverse/images/1/1e/Schneizel59.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151002011029[/img] [i]"Our ancestors once dominated the land and sea. Allowing these filth to continue, is not only illogical but also an unforgivable insult against our people."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Queen of Science, Mary X, Mary the Wise][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/codegeass/images/c/cb/Nunnally2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20160428172803[/img] [i]"The wisest Monarch, knows when to listen, when to speak and when to act."[/i] [/hider] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [/quote]