[@Storybookandco][@SpawnMeme][@Bluetommy][@KatherinWinter] Curwen sighed, dejected. "Probably no point." he said, shaking his head and turning to....oh damn. That was Gynar working that weird machine, wasn't it? Curwen had seen him a few times when he'd been called to MIB HQ, just doing his best. Crying shame that he was involved in this debacle. "You getting any sort of reading on the demon on that thing? Because what I'm thinking is it's long gone. If it wanted a fight it would be out here fighting. Probably took hostages just to try and force us to do what that idiot that ran inside just did for free." God, what the hell was that kid? Not only han the wards responded to him, they seemed to have broken as he went through. He wondered what sort of shady crap that MIB was up too if they were calling up guys like him. "Does anybody know who that moron was?"