Finally got him Filled out enough to post him here. Here is the character I'm planning to run. [hider=Zachery "The Immortal" Smith] [color=92278f][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Zachery "The Immortal" Smith [u][b][color=92278f]Age:[/color][/b][/u]16 [color=92278f][u][b]Grade:[/b][/u][/color] School? Who needs to waste time there? (self educated member of the Vigilantes) [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [color=92278f][u][b]Biography:[/b][/u][/color] Zachery was born to a large, low class family. He had three brothers and two sisters, all of which were older then he was. His parents both had stable, if low income, jobs; and were able to, if barely, support the whole family. Then one day when Zach was three, everything changed. The Ancient Enemy of Humanity raised its head and catastrophe struck. He and his family were having a small party to celebrate his oldest brother getting his first job. While they were at the restaurant [i]something[/i] attacked the building. Zach never saw it, all he could remember was the building he and his family were in collapsing, and him being stuck in agony, unable to scream for lack of breath, or move because his body was pinned, for a very long time (about 4 and a half days while rescue teams searched the wreckage). He was three, and now his entire family was dead, the doctors wouldn't leave him alone. He wouldn't eat. Or drink. Or sleep. He stayed awake, not responding to anyone or anything for almost two months before he suddenly started screaming. Luckily for him, another family was willing to take him in. For the first couple of years he was...okay? Sometime during his sixth year he realized that he was smarter then his classmates. Finishing test before anyone else, (sometimes before the teacher had even finished explaining it). It didn't take long for him to accelerate after that. He started studying on his own, spending the time he was supposed to be asleep looking stuff up on the computer. Then, when he was eight he discovered exactly what had happened to his family, and he began training himself. Not as a protector, but as an avenger. He new his foe. He started looking up different types of Martial Arts, finding many to be flawed. after almost two years of nighttime practice and studying, he realized that he would have to come up with his own style in order to take advantage of his abilities. He started to work on mind over matter techniques designed to push the human body past its limits, albeit at the cost of tearing muscles and breaking bones. By taking advantage of his extraordinary healing, he was able to master the techniques not only in theory, but in practice. He has continued to study on his own, both scholastically and combat wise. However, his hunger for revenge has long been tempered, and is rarely, if ever noticed by anyone. Nowadays he is a nice, relaxed, helpful, and joking person that goes around working odd jobs during the day. At night however, one can see his obsessive side emerge as he spends his nighttime hours breaking his body over and over again in order to strengthen it, or explores the city's underground and shadows looking for his prey. Of which, he has found and destroyed a small handful. Recently he was invited by [color=fff200]King[/color] to join the vigilantes, to which he said yes, if only to gain practice at fighting different types of foes. [color=92278f][u][b]Powers:[/b][/u][/color] [color=92278f][u][b]Core: Immortal-[/b][/u][/color] Can't be killed. Period. Whether or not he will live forever is unknown, all that is known is that he can't be killed. He has been beheaded, stabbed through the heart, left without food and water, ect. Nothing has worked. [color=92278f][u][b]Sub Power 1:Independence-[/b][/u][/color] Doesn't need food, water, sleep, or anything else to survive. [color=92278f][u][b]Sub Power 2:Perfect Spirit-[/b][/u][/color] Zach cannot be possessed or mind controlled. Curses have little to no effect, disappearing almost instantly. The same for most abilities that don't affect the body. This ability also allows him to make physical contact with ethereal creatures, as they can't be in the same place as him. [color=92278f][u][b]Sub Power 3: Regeneration-[/b][/u][/color] Heals physical injury much faster then other people. Healing injuries that that normally take days in seconds. A broken arm will set and knit itself together in minutes. Small piece of the body missing? Wait ten minutes. Missing arm or leg? Might take an hour. Missing a head? Two hours. Body blown to shreds or disintegrated? He'll be up and walking around the next day. [u][b][color=92278f]Relationships:[/color][/b][/u] WIP, Open to ideas [/hider]