still a wip but I'm super pumped to get this show on the road! (also I don't think tagging people in the first post works? I didn't get the notification lol) ​​ [hider=wip] [u]Name (First Only Please!):[/u] Stephanie (goes by Steph) [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Human?[/u] Yes! [u]Personality:[/u] At a first glance, Steph is unnecessarily focused on small, overly specific details and unbearably girly. She is bubbly and outgoing, and her friendly, cheerful disposition is well-liked by her peers, even if they do make fun of her for her propensity of wearing high heels everywhere she goes. Though Steph can be very prissy and a bit shallow or superficial, she doesn't have a single mean bone in her body. She can talk about anything and everything for hours on end. Some tend to find this incessant chatter exceedingly irritating, which Steph is not always the most aware of. She is a kind and sweet person at heart, and she refuses to say anything bad about other people as a general principle. If Steph is not always aware of how much she talks, she is aware of the feelings and thoughts of others. Steph is naturally people-smart and is good at picking up subtle hints that indicate shifts in emotions in others. She's a very good listener and always willing to offer comfort to other people. Empathetic, understanding, and cheerful, Steph is perpetually impeccably organized and ready for anything. She's a bit of a perfectionist with a stickler for keeping everything neat and organized. Steph has an infernal inability to keep her mouth shut on things that don't really matter, making her an incorrigible gossip. Despite her rather silly tendencies, Steph is a natural-born diplomat and compromiser, capable of expertly mediating tense situations. Armed with a firm belief in common courtesy and a natural gift for "reading" people, she is able to get even the most stubborn of people to agree to things through the application of hot drinks and sugary treats and pure politeness. She has a breezy, brisk way of going about her business, and she is remarkably good at keeping track of and managing people, for all her sparkly ways. Finally, although one wouldn't guess it from Steph's outward appearance and mannerisms, Steph possesses a sharp intelligence and an ability to analyze all sorts of problems and situations in the blink of an eye. She is most certainly not as ditzy as she comes off as, in terms of academics. Steph has always maintained high expectations for herself, and she refuses to be anything less than perfect in everything from her grades to her hair to her hot pink planner. +Friendly, outgoing, intelligent (academics-wise), welcoming, optimistic, determined -Talkative to the point of being annoying, impulsive, a bit shallow and superficial, silly, slightly ridiculous, really extra [u]Physical Description:[/u] [u]Favorite Morph(s) (Add later; our characters have not fully discovered their abilities yet!):[/u] * [hider=Various Aesthetic Images B/c I Felt Like It] [img] [/img] [img] [/img] [img] [/img] [img] [/img] [/hider] [/hider]