[center][color=Magenta][h2]Alicia Harnick[/h2] Level: 2 Day/Time: Day Two Location: Butter Building, Kirby's Dream Land Interacting: Mister Bright[@Holy Soldier], Frisk Dreemur[@Guardian Angel Haruki] Mention: Banjo-Kazooie[@Etherean Fire], Cloud Strife[@Holy Soldier] Word Count: 348[/color][/center] As the moon took his beating, surprisingly well if she was honest, she was already moving in another direction, auto rifle fire falling on the moon even as he recovered. The way he was caught off guard, he almost seemed as though the concept of actually fighting numerous opponents at once had never crossed his mind. [color=Magenta][i]Perhaps because that strange pink puff ball is the official hero of this realm. He...didn't look like he had any kind of help in winning against these guys...[/i][/color] Still, he was already proving fairly formidable, still standing despite the wounds he'd just taken and even going back at his celestial opposite despite his insults. However, the giant razor sharp blades of moonlight? Yeah, that was not something she was prepared for, despite her own adventures. She rolled as Frisk called for the group to watch out, dropping her now empty magazine and replacing it with a new one, but as she did so, something both unsurprising and terrifyingly ill-timed happened. Frisk called for Alicia to not attack the moon while he tried to talk it down, a notion that, given how determined he was to kill them all, seemed somewhat out of left field and most definitely not sane. [color=Magenta]"You want me to what?! What part of these guys-"[/color] But it was already too late as their child leader once more moved in for their signature talk down as the Titan is forced to turn, swapping the Doctrine of passing for the Bolt-Caster at the sound of the blade coming back towards her and spinning to face it, blocking and catching the blade on her sword. Of course their leader would go and over-complicate what was already in the clear; that these two weren't interested in surrendering, they were only out to protect their king. [color=Magenta][i]Albeit a king lost to madness, poor soul.[/i][/color] Still, holding back the assault of the blade was taking it's toll on the Stalwart and when she was eventually forced to move out of it's path again, albeit grudgingly, she would call out, [color=Magenta]"Frisk, move!"[/color]