[@pandapolio] Regarding Amon, I don't have an awful lot to say beyond what BBeast mentioned. The character is starting out fine so far. However, make sure you indicate to us GMs that you have an idea of the direction Amon will go once he steps out of his first post. You don't have to tell us [i]what[/i] the plan is, just that you have a rough idea in the first place. The reason we ask this is basically for two reasons. 1. It makes you more likely to stick around after your creation post. Quite a few players have dropped out after their character creation, citing not knowing what to do. This is a very open-world RP where you could write a few posts without interacting with any other player characters. Choosing what to do can be overwhelming if you don't keep the self-driven nature of the RP in mind. 2. It makes you consider the character in more depth. More often than not, fantasy gods are just considered to be static forces of nature. These can be cool to make an RP around at face value but you quickly run into the problem of them not changing at all. Contrary to that, the gods in [i]this[/i] universe are complex individuals with goals and motivations, just like any other set of main characters in a good story. You don't have to make a full psychoanalysis of your character or anything like that. You just have to indicate to us that he's not just a faceless boogeyman monster. It's more fun, trust me. Anyway, keep plugging away at the details and let us know when you've got the next version ready! We're happy to have you with us :)