Not every teacher should be armed and any who are should be processed, vetted, trained, and kept on a living record. It should be a conceal carry option for those that qualify in it, with the addition that if a school does not wish firearms to be on the campus in the hands of teachers, either because they cannot afford a privately owned weapon or because ideologically they are against firearms, there should be a waiver written for it. This would place all liability on the school itself and it need to find alternative means that afford the same level of protection, be that a police officer, rather officers, by an agreement with local or state law enforcement, or by using other techniques such as metal detectors, interlocks, and screening areas to achieve [i]roughly[/i] similar effect. I certainly do not believe every teacher should be armed, but those who are should be held to the highest standards of reliability and follow processes the federal government already uses for the arming of its members and when they are not authorized to bear firearms. Example being that if said certified teacher is on medication that is mind or mood altering, they are not permitted to carry their weapon; same with those undergoing counselling or those with financial issues. In short, lift a process from one side that does work and has worked and shift it over to the other.