*salutes* Sir, [@RoflsMazoy], sir! I have edited my character's relationships, sir! I gave my character not a deeper relationship, but a bit of history with Clara, sir! Please tell me if this is OK, sir! I think it fits with the humorous tone you want for this RP, sir! Sorry, I'll stop being weird now... [s]sir[/s]... [i]The word sir now looks strange to me because I used it too much...[/i] Edit: Noticed just now that even King hasn't been able to get a rise out of Clara, so my idea might not make sense... that or it makes it twice as hilarious. Up to you of course, but I figured I should let you know I did see that. [hider=Edit2 more thoughts] My thought process if you need an argument is that perhaps she's more invested because he's a fellow student at her school, so she doesn't want him to make them all look bad (worse?) and furthermore the fact that he SHOULD by rights be scared of her but totally isn't and ignores her authority just hits a nerve, whereas it makes sense that King wouldn't be scared. Maybe she also thinks he's wasting his talents or something. I dunno. [/hider]