[hr][hr][h1][center][color=662d91]Elissa Isley[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m54i1kHrpu1rqg9sf.gif[/img] Location: Tortuga[/center][hr] As she let Aravis help her to her feet, Elissa watched as Millicent flew away after yelling at Sirena. There was nothing more they could do for her, she was stuck there, as a ghost. It made her pity the woman, but in a way, it did seem like she deserved it, Sirena had been fighting with Millicent about the flask ever since she had first gotten a hold of it. Guess that just goes to show that you shouldn't fight with everyone you see. [color=662d91]"Alright zen, let's get koing,"[/color] she said, following the others down to the docks. The carnage, that was not something she had expected. So much destruction, as well as the body of the kraken, it was all messed up. It made her wonder what exactly had happened while they were in the Marshes, but all of that went away as Anastasia started speaking to a woman in the water. At least Anastasia's captain/friend wasn't dead, that was a good thing. Another woman approached them and started speaking. She didn't really know who she was, but she hoped that what she was saying was true, that more ships were coming. Getting off this rock was a good idea, nothing good really happened here, so it would help if they all just left it behind them. [color=662d91]"More schibs? I hobe more come. Hey Araffis, zounds like ve might not pe sduck here afder all."[/color]