Name: His real name is Svetnoglar, but he refers to himself as Svetlalna or even just Lalna. Gender: Male. Human? No, he is a human-like alien raised as a human, so thus he does not know of his true species. Thinks of himself as a human and looks like a human, mostly. Personality: He is a very intelligent person, and won't let you forget it as he is blunt and thinks of others less intelligent then him as slightly lower life forms, but that has to do with his species. But, dispite his coldness towards others less intelligent than him, he is very kind, and will help people if they are in trouble, because he knows every species has a right to live. He is also a bit stubborn, so convincing him that he is wrong about something or that something he doesn't think is real is real would be difficult. Physical Description: Svetlalna is a tall man, being a little under 2 meters, being easily the tallest of most groups. He is also a wee bit awkward because of his height, but has decent muscle and stamina to make himself less awkward. His skin tone is lightly tanned, but obviously white, with a bit of fur at the back of his neck and back, as well as a tiny little tail from what the doctors call a genetic mutation, but could well be a result of being whatever species of alien he is. He has a handsome face, and his face is almost a little foxlike, having two small beautiful and calculating hazel eyes ringed with what seems to be stars, a small nose, and sharp(er) teeth. Favorite Morph(s): None yet, ability undiscovered.