[@Beeve] Di wiped her tears and picked up. She heard Marie mention discussing the rooms, so she had to hide her possessions. She put book marks in the books and put them on the shelf. She drank her tea and decided to leave it, maybe able to make friends with who ever got her room if she was subtle with it. She put the ring under the mattress and checked the other rooms quickly. Then she went straight to Marie and tried to hide the fact she cried. [color=92278f]"The rooms are ready, when you're ready I'll help you up the stairs. And Charles would be proud of how you're handling the situation."[/color] and she knelt down to the shadow. [@Prosaic] [color=92278f]"Rue, try to at least give them a chance. First impressions may be horrible, but you can't judge a book by it's cover. If you want, I'll make Ravus shriek like a little girl. That always cheers you up."[/color] and she got up and started to examine the situation more thoroughly. [@mmarage][@Prosaic] She saw the boys picking up after themselves. [i][color=92278f]A little help couldn't hurt, right?[/color][/i] she thought. She went over to them and shifted something closer to the boy named Joe. She then tapped his shoulder, knowing it would grab his attention, but not let him know she was there. [color=92278f]"Here you go"[/color] she whispered to where he could hear.