What you said about the "shocking" thing, he isn't really doing that, he is attacking his opponent's mind with his own, causing a severe migraine-type pain. (I know when I have migraine my vision gets really bright and I can't see) I also didn't mean he could control gravity just because he understands it, but he is an intelligent student, who strives to about more about gravity because he wants to perfect every part of his ability. Sorry about the formatting, I just pasted it from Docs, the formatting changes xD I chose the ability to use Magic Negation because I really like that kind of defensive style, and I've had a few of my main characters in the past use it. Quite frankly, it may look like i'm trying to counter you, because that's what negating someone's magic does xD As I understand it, there isn't a requirement for my powers to be themed..but I may be wrong. The OP's opinion on the matter will be final. But I will definitely take into consideration the suggestions y'all took the time to put forth. I'll either tweak them to make them less OP, or if the OP decides, i'll change the powers all together.(I'll look to make it more lore-friendly too) Thank you. EDIT: I think I have a way to make it better already