[color=7ea7d8]"not bad.."[/color] Jeff muttered surprised on the giants reaction time, but still not letting it stop him yet. Simultaneously, Jeff reacted with multiple actions, starting off by forming a mirage to stand there and take the blow while also creating a small burst of wind to launch an orb from his backpack, having the object float off in front of Rajaka's face before letting loose a big flash of light. Hoping to take advantage of the flash, the sage vanished into a burst of wind which traveled underneath the giant while still keeping the swinging motion of his nanoblade going while he seemingly slid through the air. Following the continued swinging motion, Jeff's arm seemed to just for a moment materialize from the air itself in order be able to make physical contact with Rajaka, aiming to slash at any openings that could be found below and once launch more nanobots into open wounds with a second hand which materialized for a couple seconds to launch it. After the motion was finished, Jeff would entirely vanish once more and would fly ahead a couple feet while positioning himself in the air to face Rajaka's direction and observe how he would react. He still remained on guard as he wasn't one to give this guy any more edges on him if he could so help it.