Rajaka's onslaught stopped after a short while, and he paused. All the distortions in the air were starting to annoy him, but he was on guard now, waiting for Jeff to strike. [color=fff79a]"Come on out little birdie. I already told you, I'm not gonna fall for this bullshit."[/color] He looked around carefully, waiting and building energy in his body. The flaring aura from earlier built up again. He floated in place, following every shift in the atmosphere. There was just too much to keep up with. [color=fff79a]"Feh.."[/color] He lowered his arms to his side, and the energy around him began to condense, growing closer to his skin as less and less of it seeped from his body. [color=fff79a]"Shoulda' known you'd chicken out. In that case..."[/color]