[@Frettzo][@Antarctic Termite] The Astarte-Tira post was a very enjoyable read (somebady finally went nooorth. Whoop) but I think there might be some confusion about the geography and the location of things. So, best clear that up. Now, as of the Vowzra deathpost, the Gate is no longer at the top of the Solitary Mount but somewhere near the roots of Old Bark-Skin, Jvan changed its location: [quote=Towards the End of the Deathpost]And in a still grove under the shadow of Old Bark-Skin stood three cracked stones, which had been broken from a single source, and yet found each other again. At the painted border they leant on each other as one; From that triangle fluttered a single cherry blossom, and the sound of a lute. There a little white spider spun its web between the stones of the Gate Unguarded, and listened for the footsteps of those who would wander and find peace. [/quote] You guys made mention of the Guardian Restored, who is indeed very close to the Gate. But he grew out of the bark orb that Vowzra created for Slough, and which Belru later made into her holy site ('the Orb'). That orb was definitely not at the top of the Mount ^^' That said, the location of the Oath of Stilldeath is described as: [quote=When Toun Wept]In front of the Gate Unguarded silently rose a pillar of white porcelain from the ground. It ascended from the stone as a sharp cylinder, fifteen human arm-span fathoms tall and three fathoms in diameter, perfectly smooth, and inscribed with red Tounic calligraphy that read in a helix from the top of its length to the bottom.[/quote] So somewhere in front of the Gate beneath Old Bark-Skin. Now, I don't want to trouble you with rewriting that part of the post - I could potentially write a post that alters the position of the Gate, Oath, and Guardian to the top of the Solitary Mount (something something 'RETURN THE GATE TO ITS RIGHTFUL POSITION' something something 'SO IT WAS, SO IT SHALL BE AGAIN.') but I'm not entirely sure if the Oath of Silldeath is moveable. [@Muttonhawk][@BBeast]