Roight so, responses beginning, gonna have to go chronological order because there's so much XD. Seriously, you guys doubled the amount of pages in here overnight. [@KillamriX88] Ultimately I don't think that kind of relationship will fit, not because of Clara but because of how the Student Committee works as a whole. Ultimately I want pretty much every player in Mephisto's to be part of the Committee except for anyone in the Vigilantes. As a committee, the power to decide on any decision rests equally on the shoulders of all members involved. Being leader of the committee doesn't make Clara a supreme leader or lord, she poses ideas to the committee and echoes their judgements. Clara can't be mad at being defied because it's not as if she can pretend her word is law. I would say their relationship would be one of mild to severe annoyance because Rurik has such a useful specialist power but he's unlikely to use it when she wants him to. However, in that respect you could say he'd be one of the only people who can consistently make her grind her teeth. [@6slyboy6] Katherine can melt steel beams! [@Bartimaeus] I really liked the previous iteration of Samoth, he seemd like a tanky control character which is a concept I love. I will say though, Newton Control just didn't fit thematically, but now that it's your core concept and the rest of his powers were tweaked, things are bit different. I'll say first, the concept of Newton Control backed up by psychic powers I don't have much of a problem with. It may not follow logically, but it's cohesive in a way. Him being strong should probably be one of my worries, but it won't make story mode easier, and his weakness is just that he's not omnipotent. Maybe one on one he would dominate, but no matter how learned you are, the human mind has a limit. You can't focus on two things at once that easily, for example, and in a team fight it'd be rather easy to distract him with the amount of thought he needs to put in to use his power and get someone to brain him from behind, even with his increased awareness you can still use a distraction in a distraction and brain him from the front. It'd be a bit annoying, but possible. The biggest thing for me is that there's just too many abilities crammed within his abilities, but there don't need to be drastic changes. His second core component is honestly just too much. The extra abilities on Telepathy just, probably shouldn't be tacked onto Telepathy either. Just detecting things isn't something telepathy by definition should be able to do, but if you made some kind of case for probing for minds or something along those lines it'd work. I think the only problem with the psychic blade is making it a special kind of attack. Telepathy, again by definition as a psychic transmission of thoughts and ideas, wouldn't give you the ability to launch a psychic attack that you'd specifically need psychic shielding or training for. It just isn't Telepathy's definition. I'll say you should make it separate ability because it doesn't make much sense otherwise, something like 'Psychic Assault' or something along those lines. Now that I think about it, his telepathy before made a bit more sense I suppose. The two parts of telekinetic combat being together doesn't make all that much sense either, awareness isn't telekinetic and the psychic projection following the awareness doesn't logically follow. I'd say have one or the other, for simplicity's sake more than anything else. The rest of the sheet seems alright to me, he's a little overpowered and he'd still be like that with all the changes I suggested, but you should probably remember you're going to spend most of your time not using those powers in a very interesting way. Take it how you will, using cool concepts is great and all but don't get [i]too[/i] attached to them. So I'm gonna cut off this post because it's getting a bit long. The rest of the responses are coming in a little bit. EDIT: Oh wait, not quite chronological but oh well