[hider=William Ascot] [center][IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/2qtdf29.jpg[/IMG][/center] [i][h3]Name:[/h3][/i] William Ascot, or just Ascot. [i][h3]Age:[/h3][/i] 16 [i][h3]Grade:[/h3][/i] 2nd Year, St. Laurel's school of Academic Excellence. [i][h3]Biography:[/h3][/i] William Ascot was not born to wealth, but nor was he poor either. He lived in the comfortable middle, although he and his family had an ability that could have gotten them immense wealth and power had they been interested in it. They were not, as they preferred the simple pleasures of life, like parks, walks, and (for Ascot's parents) a good scrap from time to time. For Ascot's family, the, well, Ascots, were blessed by the God of Stories with one purpose in mind: Record the ongoing story of Humanity. Of course, this meant documenting not just the good things that happened in life, but also countless tragedies, accidents, and misunderstandings. So being human, the Ascots 'creatively reinterpret' their orders to allow them to 'modify', 'alter', or even 'outright rewrite' said stories to get a happier ending. The God of Stories never complained about this meddling in the history of humanity, as long as the Ascots did not take all the spotlight for themselves or take control of everyone and everything in a burst of megalomania. After all, sometimes, maybe the Ascot's 'revisions' of the script made for a happier story where those who worked for a happy ending [i]earned[/i] them. Either way, Ascot was an ordinary kid in St. Laurens whose only special trait was being in the library most of the time, as he had a special pass that allowed him to skip several class periods to spend in the library. Then Alto was defeated by that Clara woman, and Ascot had a sneaking suspicion that he had fallen in love with her. Whether that was true is immaterial; what [i]is[/i] true is that there was a story that lurked behind the antagonism beteween St. Laurel's and Mephisto's School. And so he will seek out that story, and 'guide' it to a heartwarming conclusion... [i][h3]Powers:[/h3][/i] [B]Core Power - Narrative Role of Familiarity:[/b] To get a story, sometimes one has to get close to people. This power makes doing that easier by making people think William Ascot is part of their inner circle. For example, Ascot can use NRoF to give himself the 'Narrative Role' of 'Student Council Member', making people beleive that Ascot is genuinely part of the Student Council. He can also make himself seem as though he were a Mephisto's School for the Wicked Student, or a senior member of the Vigilantes. It is even rumored that Ascot has already done so a few times to discover needed information. That said, there are drawbacks: Narrative Role of Familiarity does not alter one's abilities, powers, or physical capabiliites. That means that you can make yourself part of a paratrooper unit yet not be able to use a parachute right. Or join a world-class chef competition yet not be able to cook. So Ascot has to be careful. Not just that, but Anti-Magic can break NRoF when Ascot is touched by someone with this power. [B]First Power - Existing Role Duplication Technique:[/b] When William Ascot sees a power used, he can store the knowledge of how said power works in his head temporarily. This means that for every time Ascot sees a fireball being used or a bolt of darkness being launched, he can copy said fireball or ball of darkness as many times he had seen it used. Of course, this is limited; if Ascot witnesses a fireball being used six times, he can only launch fireballs six times. Not just that, but [I]Ascot cannot copy Core and Third Powers.[/i] [u]Update:[/u] William's limits are further tightened by a 'time requirement'; he must have been with the person whose powers he imitates for a long enough period to study their powers closely in order to store said imitated powers indefinitely. People whom he's only known for a day or so can only have their powers duplicated for a week before Ascot loses the ability to use them. [b]Second Power - Area Interrogation Method:[/b] Ascot can go to the highest part or lowest depth of a building, and conjure up the Spirit of the structure to answer any questions the boy has about what went on in any part of the area, including the grounds included as part of the legal property. Of course, the drawback to this is that it'd be risky for him to go to the top or bottom basement of say, Mephisto's School/St. Lucifer's. [b]Third Power - Nakama Dedication Technique:[/b] William Ascot draws together a close group of friends, which may or may not include himself, and blesses them with the power of the God of Stories. As long as they remain friends dedicated to a purpose the God of Stories deems sufficiently important, they become luckier, stronger, and faster as long as they keep trying to fulfill the said purpose. However, there are two drawbacks. One, if you abandon your purpose or your friends, you become un-luckier, weaker, and slower; the effects of this last for a vague amount of time determined by the GM. Two, if the close group of friends voluntarily disbands, the effects end, but without further repercussions. [B]Fourth Power - Honorable Adventurer Earnings Technique (NEW!):[/b] - A weaker version of one Anna Suvurova's 'Money Contract', this power generates a small amount of gold, silver, or other valuable materials once a day, when William gets money through a legal source as long as he has a legal copy of the contract. This amount is 'capped' at a third of what he earns. Shoud William have multiple legal sources of money through multiple jobs, the power only gives additional gold/silver/valuable materials for the highest-paying job. [b]Fifth Power - Grimorie of Narrrative Cost; Penknife of Dreams:[/b] All stories require a conflict, all stories have a cost. If nothing is at risk, it is not fun to read. But the Ascot bloodline can pay the cost of a heroic story with their own blood so that others do not have to. With a motion, William Ascot can conjure up the Grimorie of Narrative Cost and the Pennknife of Dreams, which if used to cut one of his veins, can be used to write on the Grimorie on his own blood in order to regain powers he had already imitated and lost, as well as boost them to insane levels. The more blood he uses to write on the pages, the more powers he regains [i]or[/i] the more power he gets. And yes, it is possible to lose enough blood that William dies. [i]Drawback:[/i] Blood spent this way cannot be regained by magic, but mundane blood transfusions will still work. [i][h3]Relationships:[/h3][/i] [b]Alto Ganze[/b] - I believe he is in love with Clara. [b]Clara Deimos Edrigan[/b] - She hates him, obviously, but hate can change... [b]King[/b] - I want to know more about him! [b]Katherine Abigail[/b] - While she is a good person, I usually keep away from her lest I be treated to unintentional fanservice. Should not someone make fireproof clothes for her? [b]Brutus Reinhardt[/b] - Brutus cannot counter my powers, but I am slightly afraid of him anyway. I must keep out of his way unless I am using Narrative Role of Familiarity on him or are otherwise friendly. [b]Bak Tsarvena[/b] - I pity her, and I hate the possibility of getting close to her and betraying her. But at the same time, her launching missiles at people is just...wrong. Plus she's in the way of Alto/Clara. [b]Ria Kohler[/b] - I must keep away from her; her eyes can detect lies and my necessary guile involves a lot of lies. Plus she's just a rude and abrasive person. [b]Rurik Aleexev[/b] - An interesting guy, but why is he in Mephisto's anyway? [b]Zachery Smith[/b] - He is so interesting. Kind, just, dedicated to fighting the Ancient Evil, he is almost perfect except for his slight fixation on revenge, and even then he does not let that blind him. I must genuinely befriend him. [b]Sidney[/b] - I would like to use my powers to make myself his best friend...then give him a taste of his medicine by betraying him, ruining his plans, and then tossing him off a cliff on fire. [b]Liselotte[/b] - A nice person, a kind person, an elegant person...shame someone else is already in love with her. I will not get in the way. [b]Christine Abigail[/b] - I do not dislike her; she's not really that bad a person. But I don't like being flashed! That said, though, Rurik is lucky to have her. [b]Cassius[/b] - His persistence and endurance and determination to make the most of his powers is something to be admired. [b]Cyan 'Tails' Bridget[/b] - You don't know me, but I know you. You're better than you think you are and you don't deserve to have other people be jerks to you. I hope Samoth protects you. [b]Michael Angle[/b] - Of all the Students whose lives I know, I sympathize with you the most. You are good, you embrace the outcasts of the world, you abhor hypocrisy. I will help you. I will cast aside my own plans to help you, because I like you. That said, perhaps getting Alto and Clara together can help you as well? [b]Gillam[/b] - Try and eat me and I'll give you a stomachache! [b]Andreim Volkazar[/b] - Your analysis comes off as arrogance, but I love the story of you and Lise, and I see the tragedy of your life and wish to rewrite it. So if you think I can help you, call me. [b]Vernon Gire Jester[/b] - Your body attracted me at first, but it was your mind that kept me. You are smart, you are wise, and you bring a smile to my face. [b]Myself, William Ascot[/b] - I am not perfect, and I am aware that there is only a slight difference between my 'necessary guile' and the vilest fraud and betrayal. That's why I only betray those who plan to hurt the innocent and deceive only to save lives and preserve hope. Mephisto's has those people. But not all of them are bad. Sometimes, the outcasts of this world need a place that we cannot grant. So I keep myself wishing to grant a happy ending to those who wish to earn it. Vernon, my love, keep me grounded so that I do not overreach myself... [b][i]People Ascot have discovered in the Game:[/i][/b] [b]Vittorio Twinveil[/b] - I cannot ask you to stop hating Alto; I [i]won't[/i] ask you to stop hating Alto. But please, be my friend! I want you to have a friend again before you resume your quest for vengance! [b]Alexandra Sova/Andras[/b] - People should not be so skeptical of your ability; we live in a world of powers, after all! [/hider]