[quote=@baraquiel] [@PrinceAlexus][@Pilatus] oh wow that was fast First of all, thank you! Second of all, how far is the university in terms of school year? Like if he joins right now, is he three months late? Do I just assume he's been studying there the whole school year like the rest of the college freshmen? Third of all, I want to edit Ivan's as well as Vivi's age as I wanted it to start on the year where people start their college at Sol City, along with the year Vivi would be enrolling at school depending on your answer. So, what age does college start at Sol City? ^u^ [/quote] Yeah, it's about December to January time. We keep things rough. Been about 3 months in college. And I'd say for easy. He could have started whwn he wanted. Min age would be about 18 but nothing saying he can or start a little later in life.