[u]The Case of Lucy Galbrett, age 32[/u] [hr] Lucy Galbrett was always a girl with a keen sense of justice, born to a household where daddy was a police officer. A sort of a runt of the group, she had issues with her confidence and an habit to follow the lead of more proactive types. She was more a support character than a frontline fighter due to healing abilities. After everything was said and done, Lucy resumed her life and tried to chase her father's exploits in lawkeeping. Having been a healer in a team of magical girls, both callings intertwined in a rather ... peculiar manner. She decided to become a forensic pathologist, rather than a policeman, and sought to study that field. There isn't a day where she regrets her decision. Forensic staff aren't popular. They're shown the cruel side that the world is often blissfully unaware, and they have to perform their duties admirably. So, she is still unmarried and childless at her age, much to the chagrin of others. Almost all her ties to her fellow magical girls have burned and crashed, after telling them in no uncertain terms to zip it, children raising woes cannot even begin to compare to seeing a serial killer running rampant during a particularly hard investigation. She hits the bottle more than she should and her patience with fools has wore really thin outside her job. TLDR: Cure Kid becomes Morgue Dweller.