Krets did little else than nod along, occasionally taking in the purple coloured haze his pipe produced and pushing it out from the opposite corner of his mouth after a few seconds. He could actually see a bit of himself in the demeanour of this pink haired woman. Sometimes looks could be deceiving. On a cursory look, this person would not be expected to behave this way. But he couldn't let that throw him off his game. So, she had the skill of a healer when she needed to have it, but she preferred to not use it. The bow she wielded was her tool of choice, she claimed, as well as that she did not care of others in the group as long as they kept themselves out of trouble. Her behaviour during her time in the camp seemed to match just as well. "I see", Krets nodded one last time once Kyra finished her piece. "Then how about the prisoner your group brought into the camp? Surely you must be aware that the man served as the 'champion' to the people of Greenest just the night before? How did you manage to subdue him? I've heard he is quite the combatant." His tone had turned to something almost gossipy as he moved from one subject to another, but his unchanging pose and demanding gaze let the priestess know that he still expected an answer. [@Norschtalen]