[@RabidAnubis] You already know my basic idea, but I'll post here for everyone else. Isana Sieger, Age 30 [hr] Originally born and raised in Germany, Isana came to the states because of financial problems her family was having back home. Hoping to start a new life and start over. The typical american dream, to most. Unfortunately, it only sort of worked. When she was ten, she became a magical girl on an off chance meeting with another. She quickly took a liking to it, and was considered by many to be one of the best frontline specialists out there, thanks to her offense oriented earth manipulation abilities. She was the kind that was the first one in, and the last one out. Mostly because she had a penchant for taking her aggressions out on the baddies they were fighting. 20 years later, after the death of the magical girl that introduced her to the world, Isana blames her 'friends' for that, whatever the cause. Now she's just a simple office worker, working 9-5 as an IT specialist at a company with a degree in business. Her life isn't particularly bad, but she absolutely [i]hates[/i] it. It's boring. Really boring. Some days she just wants to go back to the good 'ol days and whack a monster in the face with her sword. The only thing that stops her from doing this, is [i]money.[/i] Yep, Money. Isana's a greedy bitch. She likes the cash, and has made strides to excel at her company and is currently in the hotseat for a promotion after a few questionable moral decisions. [hr] TL;DR The good 'ol always have your back girl becomes greedy back-stabbing corporate drone with a gambling habit.