[center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/9c02/f/2013/033/b/f/jungle_concept_by_happy_mutt-d5tk9lg.jpg[/img][/center] Across all different types of time and space, wormholes opened sucking people into them when they least expected it, or in some limited cases went into them willingly, while they disappeared from their old lives they were taken to somewhere new where they were needed in one way or another. On the other side of the wormhole was another world completely different from their own in many ways; the newcomers dropped into the camp with the starless night sky overhead, the only thing that gave any sort of light during the night was a full blood moon hanging in the sky almost watching the group before slowly descending on the dark horizon, before being completely encapsulated by the dark the sun slowly came out and illuminated the entire camp. The Camp was mostly abandoned, anything that was manmade and still standing was covered in green vines and various forms of shrubbery. The only thing that was untouched by the greenery was a small obelisk with a blue glow to it, several different characters appeared on the obelisk before familiar ones started to appear on the stone, it explained to the group."[i]Once the Demon has been vanquished you will be allowed home if you wish[/i]" Besides, the miniature pillar was a dark cave with only a single light at the end of the long dark tunnel, suddenly the words on the pillar changed once more."[i]At the end of the tunnel lies your way back home, but you must liberate this realm from its demonic threat[/i]" Suddenly the words changed again. "Prepare for the many days ahead of you some of you may perish if you are not strong enough to handle the ordeals; Nights will be harsh but you must prepare the camp to whether the incoming storm of demons and monsters that would wish to see your end" A crimson colored book sat at the base of the obelisk, the tomb was bigger than a normal person's palm and bound by a simple leather strap, the book was untitled but flipping through a couple pages there were images of monster people with paragraphs of text under them describing them each. [hr] [center][color=8dc73f][h2]Rizu Mao[/h2][/color] [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/6hL2VfO.gif[/IMG][/center] Rizu fell nearly headfirst into the ground before rolling around to their paws, before they decided to look around, they shook their entire body including their tail to get any dirt out of their fur. When she looked at her hands and feet she got a faint feeling like they didn't belong there like her hands should be different, something kinda felt wrong to her as she felt her fur on her paws and moved her fingers around. It didn't take long for Rizu to notice she wasn't alone and realize she wasn't where she first thought she was. She was in the middle of what looked like a camp surrounded by a sea of trees with no real sign of civilization in any direction, only the camp was the closest thing and it was in ruins from the looks of it, but a couple beings were already hanging around the ruined camp, one of them being an Orc standing around several cooking supplies another being a cat woman similar to Rizu herself. Before the cat could take a couple steps there was a number of other small wormholes hovering in the air, The cat attempted to jump for them but they always just stayed out of her reach, as she tried jumping for another one more time, people started to spill from the wormholes with another girl nearly falling onto Rizu while she was jumping for it.