[@mmarage] Di laughed. [color=92278f]"If that's what you think, then you are very underestimating yourself. And your not going crazy, because crazy people don't admit they're crazy. So your handling it well."[/color] she said poking him in the chest playfully. [color=92278f]"Yes, I know you probably don't like this contact from me but don't worry, humans arn't normally my cup of tea, except in some cases..."[/color] she said, her eyes wandering to another of the tenants. [color=92278f]"...So I think we'll be good friends. I might be helpful in your academic assignments, as well."[/color] she said starting to float around him. [color=92278f]"So, after you finish your talk, I'll indulge in questions you have and help you unpack. Deal?"[/color] she said sitting on the counter.