Nil frowned slightly at Elle’s downplaying of her own importance - she was the Dragonborn of all things, why would she withhold that from the woman? That was hardly like being daedric spawn; in fact, she was well set up to be revered rather than reviled by the inhabitants of the city. Not using that to her advantage massively perplexed him, and it was a bit irksome seeing as he felt it held less urgency and punch than what she actually went with. But maybe it would be enough. He doubted it, but he supposed she [i]had[/i] tried, in a way. The woman’s response started just like he expected, with her giving Elle a bemused smile. [color=C0D9D9]“Is that so? I hope you know what you’re fixing to get yourselves into - that’d be a task better suited for the Dragonborn.”[/color] Nil would’ve grinned at her oblivious statement had he not also been annoyed with how they were being dismissed, but she continued, [color=C0D9D9]“Nevertheless, I’ll see what I can do about getting it done in the next few days. Again, I have other clients I need to fill orders for first, but if you’re that determined to fight dragons, I’ll try to get you decent armor so you’re not as good as lizard food.”[/color] While he wasn’t surprised to hear this response, he had to actively fight the urge to physically threaten the woman with immolation if she didn’t get to it [i]now[/i], because damn it, he was important and his companion was now as well, and the baubles and potstickers these other customers had ordered could wait. He wouldn’t get refused like this back where he had an actual presence - in fact, he’d never even had to ask for armor, as his old suit had been near impenetrable and fitted precisely to him. But, instead of causing a scene, he held his tongue, not particularly wanting to bring down the entire whiterun guard on his head as he was definitely not equipped to do so. That didn’t mean he was happy about the result of this outing, though. [color=C40249]“Very well,”[/color] he ground out, practically exuding vexation as he spoke, [color=C40249] “I trust it will be of [i]exceptionally[/i] good quality when I return to retrieve it.”[/color] [color=C0D9D9]“Yeah, yeah,”[/color] the blacksmith returned, seeming quite finished with the conversation herself. Turning away from the store, Nil stalked back off into the marketplace, muttering some very unkind things about the blacksmith and where she could put her other customers as he walked.