[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ys10O5p.png[/img][/center] Duncan listened to the speech. It gave him some information he didn't know, and left out some things he did know. The complete picture was not a pleasant one, and he was actually scared. A student had been killed by some kind of beast. It could have been a fellow centaur from the hoof marks, though that was unlikely, unless it was an absolute giant freak of nature, and that was possibly scarier than it being a beast. The restrictions seemed...not excessive. In his opinion, they couldn't do enough to protect everyone. They weren't Dawnslayers yet. It would take them years of studying at this school, just to earn the title, and further work to earn enough prestige to be taken seriously. It was still a bummer to hear. At least they'll be able to walk around in groups. The curfew was also unwelcome news. Hopefully this issue was resolved soon, not just for Duncan's peace of mind and security but also so he could be allowed to be a teenager! And with that, they were to be dismissed to socialise for what little remained of the day until sunset, which wasn't long enough for Duncan. He got to his hooves and was about to leave, when Roland spoke up. Duncan listened with admiration, though he'd be lying if he said he shared Roland's frustrations. Duncan was nowhere near a Dawnslayer yet. That's what he had come here to learn. He was yet no match for even the weakest of foes a Dawnslayer would have to face, unless he got very lucky with an arrow. Duncan was thankful for being watched over if not quite as happy with the method. He did however, admire Roland's gall to challenge a teacher on something he believed strongly in. The admiration was clear on Duncan's face. [@Awesomoman64][@KoL]