[hider=Alder Reynolds][center][h2][color=0076a3]Alder Orion Reynolds.[/color][/h2] [b][color=0076a3]Age.[/color][/b] 108. [hider=Birth & Death date] April 5, 1909 & January 4, 1927.[/hider] [b][color=0076a3]Race.[/color][/b] Turned Vampire. [hider=Appearance.][img]https://yesassets.s3.amazonaws.com/map/cache/map-6517-w472.jpg[/img] Alder is built lean with long legs and broad shoulders and stands around 5"8, weighing in around 143 pounds. His skin tone is very pale, though it always kind of was, even without vampirism. He's not built muscular though there is some hardness to his arms and stomach. His body is considerably light, making it easy for him to move soundlessly. With a fairly handsome face, a sharp jawline, a Roman nose and eyes as blue as the sky above, Alder is someone who's hard not to notice. He has a gruesome pale scar that cuts through the skin of one shoulder and almost looks knotted in appearance, he has another scar that slices jaggedly up from his stomach to the middle of his chest. It's hard to tell where he gained these scars but there seems to be many of them, tiny ones that fleck the skin of his arms, thin pale ones that dapple his neck and jaw and many, many others. He seems proud of his many scars and can be found in black tank tops often, preferring to pair them with black jeans. Depending on the weather or how he's feeling about fashion, he can be caught in leather jackets.[/hider] [b][color=0076a3]Personality.[/color][/b] Honest and friendly, Alder is the kind of person who wears his heart on his sleeve and is willing to help wherever he can. Naturally the type of person who exudes charisma, he easily makes friends and seems to enjoy doing it. He has a passion for people and he's a born conversationalist with a seemingly endless fuel to talk. Though he's not without his flaws, he has a bit of a temper and it tends to flare up when it's least expected. He has trouble apologizing when he says something rude and will usually try to reason why he's done it. Alder can never seem to focus, almost to an irritating extent. It's as if things slip in one ear and straight out the other. He finds it extremely hard to stay on one task and will often multi task through things. He never slows down, trying to cover as many things at once as he possibly can and often ends up overwhelming himself in tasks. [hider=History] [h1]The First Part.[/h1] Alder was born April fifth of 1909 in New York City to a fairly well off family. He grew up surrounded in the finer things, eating with a silver spoon. His mother was a doting woman who treated him like a little prince and his father was a stern but kind man that taught him to care for all living things. He spent his days with his younger sister, Amaranth Emilie Reynolds, together they got into all kinds of trouble. They were the kind of kids that tip toed from their bedroom late at night to find the sweets that their parents kept hidden for special occasions. They grew up inseperable and they always backed each other up. [i]"[color=0076a3]I'll always be here to protect you, I promise.[/color]" he had said, so young and so earnest. She had been scared that night, the lightening making the window flash like large glowing eyes. The thunder made the house tremble and the rain sounded like pounding feet. She had looked at him, her brown hair hanging in her pale blue eyes and a bright smile appearing on her lips. "[color=00aeef]Momma says that you make more promises than you know what to do with. She says that you can't possibly keep all of those promises.[/color]" "[color=0076a3]I do not![/color]" he said indignantly. "[color=0076a3]I'd swear on this. If the old man that lives in the clouds came down right now, I'd well. . . I'd tell him to stop this nonsense![/color]" "[color=00aeef]Well then father would tell you to mind your manners. He'd say it in that grumpy way.[/color]" though he could see that she was in awe of his bravery, the proclamation that he'd fight an unseen foe like that had made her strangely proud of him. "[color=00aeef]Alder, he'd say, mind your manners or else you'll be going to bed with no desert![/color]" "[color=0076a3]Let him. At least I will have stopped the rain for you, Ama.[/color]"[/i] As they grew, they kept helping each other in every way that they could. They studied together, they played together, they shared jokes and secrets. By the time they were teenagers, Amaranth had met a young man that she avoided introducing to Alder. It wasn't like his sister to keep secrets from him, so he became extremely curious about who this mystery man could be. Through some prodding and a little bit of guilting, his sister finally told him about the man that she had began courting. At first, he found himself somewhat scared that this man would marry his sister and move her somewhere far away though this fear turned into concern as she explained what he was. [i]"[color=00aeef]Alder, it's not that I don't want to tell you about him but. . . He's different.[/color]" She was looking faraway, her blue eyes fixed on some point in the distance. She kept tugging at the corner of her skirt, he could feel his own tension rising at the revelation that her secret was a man. "[color=0076a3]You're not planning to elope, are you? You can't just leave like this, Ama. I need someone to talk to.[/color]" "[color=00aeef]No, no, Alder. He's just. . Oh, Alder. I don't know what to do.[/color]" she sighed, looking up at him with anxiety ridden eyes. "[color=00aeef]I don't know if I should tell you.[/color]" "[color=0076a3]Is he hurting you? Has he threatened you?[/color]" he could feel his voice raising. "[color=0076a3]Ama, if he's done anything to you-[/color]" "[color=00aeef]He's a vampire, Alder.[/color]"[/i] To his shock and outrage, his sister revealed to him that the man she had started to love was a vampire. He demanded that he meet the man and she arranged it. An argument broke out between them almost instantly and she tried to break it up, trying to explain to her enraged brother that the man wasn't a villain just because he was a vampire. Alder turned his harsh words on her, criticizing her choices and insulting the man that she was willing to throw her future away to pursue. They ended up locked in an argument of their own where she began to tear apart the fact that he couldn't follow her around like a lost puppy for his entire life. [i]"[color=0076a3]How could you expect me to just accept this, Ama? He's a monster! He drinks blood, for the love of all that's holy, can't you see this? This isn't a man, this is a creature![/color]" His voice was furious and loud, he was practically seeing red. This thing was masquerading as if he were normal and courting his sister, this thing was standing there, arm and arm with his sister and staring at him with dark eyes. Her cheeks flushed pink with irritation, her blue eyes blazing furiously. "[color=00aeef]His name is Hammond![/color]" "[color=0076a3]I don't care if the damned have a name, Ama! Can't you see what he's doing?[/color]" he shot a glare pointedly at the sloe eyed man. "[color=0076a3]He feeds on stupid girls like you, girls that are utterly idiotic enough to believe that he doesn't want to hurt them. Can't you see that?[/color]" "[color=00aeef]Oh, I'm the stupid one? At least I'm willing to see past my own nose, Alder. He's a person. He's just like me and you.[/color]" her gaze softened a moment. "[color=00aeef]I'd prefer if you two didn't fight.[/color]" "[color=0076a3]I can't approve of this, Ama. He's not like us, he doesn't care about you and I'm not going to stand by idly while you fratinize with this creature.[/color]" he spat the words like curses. "[color=0076a3]You need me, Ama. You won't have me around as long as you keep this monster by your side.[/color]" She looked up, her eyes narrowing. "[color=00aeef]You need me more than I need you, Alder and as long as you're going to continue to act in this childish manner, I'm not going to stick around either.[/color]" "[color=0076a3]Ha![/color]" he snorted. "[color=0076a3]Try to go one day without me-[/color]" "[color=00aeef]Alder, I have a life without you. I've proven that with Hammond, haven't I? What have you been doing for just about all of your life? Following me around as if you were lost.[/color]" her words bit into his skin and and yet she continued with relentless venom. "[color=00aeef]You've never had a partner, you've never really had friends. All you do is spend your time following me around and God, Alder. I know you care about me but do I have to be with you constantly? Can you even think for yourself without me?[/color] He blanched, blinking at her in astonishment and feeling himself reel back from her jagged words. "[color=0076a3]I-[/color]" he swallowed thickly and turned to the man, he even seemed startled. "[color=0076a3]This is your fault, you leech.[/color]" The insult fell weak and he left in a hurry.[/i] Hurt by her words and unable to find a rebuttal, he spat a last insult at her beau and left in a fury. He spent that night on the streets, unable to bring himself to go home and face his sister. He didn't want to have to apologize to her for how he'd acted. It was around midnight when he ran into the man again, he was quick to tell him that he had only gotten so angry because Amaranth was his best friend as well as his sister. The man didn't seem to have the time to listen to him, so he became pushier. This time he stated that he wouldn't have gotten so angry if the man had just backed off from the argument. He realized that the man didn't seem to be responding to him at all and he grabbed him by the arm which made the man stop swiftly. The man turned to him with a peculiar expression, his fangs sharp and bared to Alder. It was then that the man struck, it was then that fate decided he would become one of the Dusk. Time stretched for Alder as the man fed from him, the event would be one that would haunt him for years. The event would become one he'd never speak of again. His sister's beau only chose to save him because he feared that it would anger the one that he loved so dearly. Alder rose a vampire and his sister was absolutely frantic, desperately trying to figure out what had happened. Alder wasted no time in angrily indicating the man that she loved had done this. Though the news startled his sister, she didn't seem angry. Alder was too overwhelmed in the change to fault her in that. The change caused unsettling sensations, a hunger that burned deep inside of him and a strange kind of hatred towards his changer. He grew to hate pure blooded vampires with something absolutely furious inside of him. His sister tried to settle the situation, trying to make amends between two angry vampires proved nearly impossible. The three of them bickered and squabbled for what seemed like hours to the starving new vampire. Finally, with some angry parting words, Alder left them both. He set out on his own and never knew what had become of his younger sister and her Pure Blooded beau. [h1]The Second Part.[/h1] After Alder left his sister, he was in something of a confused state. Hungry and haggard, he searched for something to satiate his growing thirst. It burned inside of him, it almost hurt not to be feeding and he didn't know what to do. Every human he passed carried a smell that made him nearly lose control and yet, he waited. He waited and watched, his entire body alight with the pain of fresh hunger that he couldn't satisfy. He waited and watched and thought about what he should do to fix this growing issue. He would [i]not[/i] allow himself to be a monster, he would [i]not[/i] allow himself to sink his fangs into any of the children of the Dawn. He restrained himself, growing weaker than expected, growing more and more miserable with each moment that he didn't feed. He passed out in a very public square, pale, and sweating. It was only luck that another changed vampire found him instead of a human that might be inclined to take him to a hospital. A woman, a compassionate woman took him in. He would forget her name over many years, just another person lost in time but she nursed him back to health. [i]"[color=0076a3][i]Monsters[/i], that's what we are, aren't we? We feed off the normal people. We're like [i]leeches.[/i][/color]" He remembered how she'd taken his hand and looked him in the face, the great depth of sadness in her eyes. "We don't have to be, Alder. I know you're angry that you were changed but that doesn't mean that you have to give up on your humanity. You were a Child of the Dawn once too." "[color=0076a3]But I'm not anymore, I'm not human-[/color]" he began to sputter out, his temper flaring needlessly. "[color=0076a3]I'm a fucking-[/color]" "That's our advantage, don't you think?" she asked, smiling until she dimpled. "We were humans once. We know what it's like, there's no need for an us against them attitude or a them against us attitude. We can learn from each other. We can help each other." "[color=0076a3]How?[/color]"[/i] So, she taught him. She taught him how to coexist amongst the children of the Dawn, how to befriend them. It was amazing how friends were willing to let you feed on them as long as you were careful. She taught him a lot of things, acted as a mentor to him. She was the whole reason that he learned restraint and control, she was the whole reason that he went from [i]monster[/i] to just another child of the Dusk. They spent every moment together, she became like a replacement for the sister that he left behind. Five years were spent in her home, sharing laughter and stories. They spoke of their families and their pasts, they spoke of their secrets and their grudges. She was eventually killed by a child of the Dawn. Her killer was a young man who looked shaken at his own actions, he stood over her body for hours, seemingly panicking. Alder, unable to act and very, very, confused, watched as this young man leaned down next to her body. He watched as the young man began to cry and that was when he revealed himself. The boy rushed him with the stake almost immediately, the end still stained with her blood. Alder stumbled back, the wood just barely cutting the skin of his defensive arm. They faced off, the boy was trembling and Alder was overwhelmed in a rising grief. [i]"[color=0076a3]Why did you kill her?[/color]" he heard his voice, barely above a whisper. "[color=0076a3]She never hurt one of your kind, she was a good person.[/color]" "You're- You're all dangerous. Every single one of you. If we don't stop you then- then you'll take over everything. You'll kill us all." he spat, his eyes wild with fear. "One of you killed my sister, she's gone now. If I don't stop you-" His voice was breaking, tears streaming down his cheeks. Alder felt strangely tender, stepping towards him with his hands out stretched to prove that he didn't intend to attack. "[color=0076a3]You had a sister? Was she younger than you?[/color]" The boy tensed, holding the stake out defensively. "Yes. One of [i]you[/i] killed her. Drained the blood from her body, I saw it." "[color=0076a3]I don't doubt it,[/color]" he said grimly, "[color=0076a3]What was your sister like? You can tell me about her, I'd really like to hear.[/color]"[/i] And they spoke for some time, Alder listened carefully as the boy told him about his sister. He even held him when he started to cry, the boy clung to him and Alder rubbed his back. It was an odd experience but it was one that stuck with him. In his home of five years, next to the body of his best friend, Alder held a child of the Dawn while he sobbed into his chest. He never forgot it, even after he left the boy, hoping that he'd left him with a different impression of the children of the Dusk. Even in his grieving, he thought of that confused, scared boy and realized how hard it was to truly be a child of the Dawn in a world full of monsters. Being on his own again was like an unwelcome friend, he spent his days in the shadows. Almost always set into flight mode, his enemy became both children of the Dawn and Dusk because he'd seen the bad and good in both of them. He learned to fight over the years, battling his way out of anything that he could, even being responsible for the death of a few Pure Bloods. Mostly he kept to himself, holding friendly conversation with whoever would hear him. When he got the letter from Luce Prima, he was excited for the chance to finally do something and eagerly made his way there.[/hider] [b][color=0076a3]Other.[/color][/b] He hates pure blooded vampires with a burning passion. He misses his sister a lot. He can't remember the name of the man his sister fell in love with, which is generally why he will only refer to him as [i]that man[/i] or [i]that creature.[/i] [i]That creature's[/i] real name is Hammond Cartwright.[/center][/hider]