Name: Adrian Gender: Male Human: Yes. Personality: Even before he learned about the Yeerk invasion, Adrian was always a driven young man. Some say he's goal-centered. Others say he's ruthless. Whatever the case, he has an unusual capacity to see straight from point A to B, and doesn't like it when anything or anyone gets in the way. That said, he isn't cruel or needlessly violent. He has a high capacity to remove himself from the emotional and subjective attachments in a situation and see matters in light of the facts, even when it may not be hard to acknowledge or even be politically incorrect to point something out. Adrian is smart, observant, and clever, but he can be blunt about matters and he doesn't suffer fools lightly. Has a rather dry and sarcastic sense of humor. Description: About six feet tall, white-skinned, black hair, brown eyes. Slender build that is stronger than he appears. Favorite Morph(s): (Ability undiscovered yet, but you probably remember what I wrote here.)