[s]This profile is still a WIP[/s], but I just wanted to see how you guys feel about him before I continue on in finishing him. I just need his backstory, in which I may add some Other stuff to him. (Basically done) [hider=Calistrophus Draconius] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjdjYzQ1Zi5RMkZzYVhOMGNtOXdhSFZ6SUVSeVlXTnZibWwxY3csLC4w/rise-of-kingdom.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a1/f8/6c/a1f86c58a01280d9fa7a4c65c1f85b1e--anime-fantasy-fantasy-rpg.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [h2]⦋ [b][color=a2d39c]Centuries Old[/color][/b] || [b][color=a2d39c]Draco Sapius[/color][/b] || [b][color=a2d39c]Male[/color][/b] ⦌[/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFBXcl6FW6M[/youtube][/center] [h3][b][color=39b54a]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/color][/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b][color=a2d39c]APPEARANCE [/color][/b][/u] [indent]Calistrophus is a scaly draconian standing at a tall 6'1", which is around average height for his race. He has dark yellow skin and a light peach-tan underbelly, has golden yellow eyes, and displays large spiny brown horns curling from the back of his head. His white bushy facial hair stems from large eyebrows and has a long beard that spikes at the tip, with white mustache wisps descending from directly underneath his nostrils. He also sports black claw tips from his hands and feet, and has a muscular tail with small spikes running down it. As a sage for his village, Calistrophus is usually seen donning a traditional religious robe. It's predominantly tan, with yellow stripes, and has a dark brown undergarment underneath. It also dons green shoulder pads with small knots running down it. Some of the flaps that flow down the robe are engraved in Draconian calligraphy, which basically mention several philosophical quotes from other philosophers and religious monks. The robe also has a belt that wraps around his mid-section, which holds several compartments to store small items such as books, potions, scrolls, and other misc. His sword, "Kurogica" ("Balance" in his language), is extremely long, nearly as tall as himself, with a black blade that's inscripted with draconian lettering that glows a different color depending on the element he utilizes it with. It looks and acts much like an armorslayer sword, although the tip can open and close upon the user's wishes.[/indent] [u][b][color=a2d39c]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/color][/b][/u] [indent][list] [*] Calm [*] Wise [*] Charismatic [*] Religious [*] Traditional [*] Observant [*] Serious [/list][/indent] [u][b][color=a2d39c]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/color][/b][/u] [indent]Calistrophus Draconius, or Callus for short, was born in an ancient underground draconian village deep within the remote northern mountains of China. This village had already existed for thousands of years, to the point where it's been rumored that they've seen the rise and fall of the first Chinese Dynasties. They never expanded into creating a larger civilization, knowing full well how the human race dominated the Earth. Only four other separate villages have ever been founded, with each not more than 10 miles away from one another. Further conflict with the humans will bring the Draconian tribes to ruin and so they hid within small villages far away from human activity. Yet they've rarely been seen by human outsiders, through occasional conflicts through sheer coincidence and luck. Only legends and rumors had been spread about the draconian people through the centuries, claiming that these lizard-like humanoids having access to magical supernatural powers. And how right they were. Callus was born into a line of sages, those who wield extreme amounts of magic and were lore keepers of the world. His family was the last of its kind. An average draconian can live up 200 years at most, living nearly double or even triple the lifespan of an average human being, in which many have seen a lot happen in their life time. He was born around the declining years of the Qing Dynasty, yet already did his parents have big plans for him. The local fortune teller of their village foretold of a time where they would become extinct, long forgotten as humans would expand and eventually find their village within the next few centuries. What would come next was unknown, yet knowing how the humans behaved, the fortune teller believed for the worst. Yet they wanted to pass their knowledge and legacy towards a single individual, one prophesied to keep their traditions alive through their magic. As long as their practices, their magic, and ultimately their ideals lived on, they would survive in memory within their followers for generations after the Draconians die. And so, blessed and destined for good will, Callus was entitled very early on as the "Great Sage of Draconianism". In order to prepare him for this role, Callus was not only taught by his parents, but was also sent to the finest teachers of the other villages to reinforce on their beliefs to him. Each presented him a different way to channel his key, with each village being able to manifest their own ki into an element. These elements were fire, water, earth, air, light, and darkness. After decades of training and meditation with these teachers, by the age of 50, Callus was ready to officially don the prophecy's title and to carry the legacy of "Draconianism". On that day a major ceremony was held in Callus' honor, as everyone from the surrounding villages came to bless him on his journey, and gave him the legendary Sword Of Sages, or what they call "Kurogica", or "Balance" in Draconian tongue. He was to travel the world in search for additional guidance and to form a school to keep the spirit of "Draconianism" alive. Yet the sage must never again return to any of the villages, as they feared he could be secretly followed by nefarious humans wanting to cause them ruin and spread the word on their existence. And with that, Callus left the village of his birth, never to return, as a "nomad". Through his travels, he has seen much at what the world had to offer. At first, he kept his identity rather secret and usually came into sparse towns or villages. He eventually made his home near the Himalayan Mountains in Tibet, where he sought to practice his arts once more before becoming comfortable in becoming a teacher. But of course, the humans were soon to catch that he was certainly not a man. They began nicknaming him as a "lizardman", and some were curious as to who he was. Eventually, Callus was discovered by Tibetan monks, who recognized his Ki powers and began to worship him. In fact, they became the first students under the Draconian and eventually Callus' school became a reality. As of now, he had been training disciples for nearly sixty years, and has became a local icon for Ki users who come to Tibet. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b][color=39b54a]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/color][/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b][color=a2d39c]FIGHTING STYLE [/color][/b][/u] [indent]Calistrophus' fighting style is essentially a mix of several martial arts techniques. Hand-to-hand, he often utilizes a form that combines Taekwondo, aikido, and jujutsu, while uses primarily Kendo when wielding his sword, along with other sword-based training. When fighting weaponless, he can change stances accordingly depending on the opponent he faces. His long limbs, thanks to his height, already make it fairly easy to hit opponents from a distance, much like an "out-boxer" does in boxing. He's usually calm in combat, and is nearly on the defensive in most cases. He observes the movement his opponent uses and attempts to fight against that style in which he thinks is the best counter to that movement. He attempts to tire out his opponent or bring him to a point where they think they'll win, only to suddenly go on an all-out offensive just when they least expect it. In short, Calistrophus is primarily a defensive fighter, only going for a quick burst on the offensive when the opponent's guard is down. The same can be said when wielding the sword, its range being more than capable of hitting someone from a good distance. However, Calistrophus uses the sword also as a tool, such as vaulting off from it, using it as a make-shift shield, and of course to utilize his ki into elemental forms which it can wield. There are six elements that are at his disposal. You have the four basic elements, fire, water, earth, and air, but also aether and void (which are essentially light and dark) which are used for ultimate attacks. Earth is Callus' primary element, yet fire, water, and air give him a different boost in buffs, but at the cost of lowering another buff. [color=f26522][b]Fire[/b][/color] boosts his attack power, but lowers his defense. [color=00aeef][b]Water[/b][/color] boosts his defense power, but lowers his movement speed on land (unless he's in a body of water in which it actually implies the opposite). [b]Air[/b] boosts his speed and agility, but lowers his attack power. [color=A0522D][b]Earth[/b][/color] is neutral, for it's easily accessible as long as their's actual ground, and balances out both attack, defense, and speed. Callus can switch elements through "Combat Meditation", where he communicates with the surrounding environment at hand. For example, if he's in a rainy environment or near a body of water, he can focus on that element and change into the water element. If he's in a hot and sunny environment, or near an area that produces a strong force of heat, say a raging fire or volcano, he can change into the fire element. And if he's in an environment that produces strong currents of air, he can change into the air element. It all depends on what's around him. He is also capable of switching when nearby users that wield these elements are near, although he'd have to trick opponents to forcibly use these abilities first before attempting to switch to said desired type (i.e: fire type user igniting a large puddle of oil). However, these elements are strong and weak against one another, so if an opponent uses something like water when Calistrophus is using fire, the latter's attack become far less effective due to fire being weak to water. Light and dark must always be kept at a balance, each being able to be beaten if too much overwhelms one side. Light can created through a combination of all four elements through peace and harmony, while rage and chaos being the thing for darkness. Light is a defensive healing type, while darkness is an aggressive fighting type. Too much usage in darkness can blind the user and potentially can turn the user evil. Darkness should only be used in the most dire situations and only in very limited amounts at a time. [/indent] [u][b][color=a2d39c]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/color][/b][/u] [indent][u]■ [color=f26522][b][Fire Wave][/b][/color][/u] [indent]An offensive fire-type strike, the user simply swipes his sword to initiate a wave of fire towards his opponent. It goes quickly in the direction of the swipe and upon impact can cause severe fire damage if it hits an opponent. It can travel for very short distances in water before it extinguishes.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [color=f26522][b][Blazing Sword][/b][/color][/u] [indent]An offensive fire-type buff, the sword's blade ignites as to where it's covered in aggressive lashing flames. They can cut through most material, which even includes metal, and issues fire damage on the opponent. It only lasts several seconds in water before becoming extinguished.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [color=00aeef][b][Water Slice][/b][/color][/u] [indent][Description of move here]An offensive water-type strike, the sword blade's edges become covered in high pressure streams of water. This makes a blade capable of breaking through rock and dirt at such pressures and can easily detach organic limbs on contract.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [color=00aeef][b][Absorbing Wall][/b][/color][/u] [indent]A defensive water-type buff, the user can create a wall of water in front of him to slow or block incoming projectiles and as a source of water to extinguish fire. If used underwater, it has the altered effect in removing water around a certain spherical radius, providing a pocket of air in which air-breathers can breath in.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [color=A0522D][b][Earth Shatter][/b][/color][/u] [indent]A defensive earth-type strike, the user simply strikes the ground hard with his sword and issues a small earthquake to stun and/or throw the opponent off. The shaking only lasts a second or two, but its strong force still can tip unbalanced opponents off. It also produces a small shockwave that can knock opponents within 2 meters off the ground, however any higher and it doesn't effect the opponent.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [color=A0522D][b][Hardened Skin][/b][/color][/u] [indent]A defensive earth-type buff, the user's skin hardens to protect itself from most physical blows and gives a slight added strength boost to the user for up to a minute. Fire cannot effect the user as the thicker skin is basically fire-proof. The user is slightly slower in this form as a consequence.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [b][Air Swipe][/b][/u] [indent]A balanced air-type strike, the user can swing his sword to produce a gust of wind that can knock back opponents and break through wooden walls.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [b][Swift Feet][/b][/u] [indent]A balanced air-type buff, the user becomes much more light on its feet. The user is capable of jumping higher, running faster, being more agile, and drains less stamina for up to a minute. [/indent][/indent] [indent][u]■ [b][color=silver][Battle Meditation][/color][/b][/u] [indent]Through calm concentration, the user can "communicate" with the surrounding environment. Depending on the element and the temperature that's most predominant in said area, the user is then capable of switching elements to match the environment he/she is in. For example, in hot environments the user is most likely capable of switching to the fire-based element. If near bodies of water, or if it's raining, the user is most likely capable of switching to the water-based element. If there's heavy winds, or if any wind is present in a location, the more likely the user can switch into the air element. And if there's dirt or any form of physical ground, the user can switch to the Earth element. This takes some time for it to truly take effect, so concentration is key for it to work successfully, even when in battle. This can also work if a user wielding any of these elements are also nearby. [/indent][/indent] [u][b][color=a2d39c]SUPER MOVES [/color][/b][/u] [indent] [u]■ [color=fff79a][b][Concentrative Light Wave][/b][/color][/u] [indent]Then the user is at its calmest state of mind, he can gather upon all the light that is within him into his sword and unleash a powerful strike that unleashes a wave of light towards its opponent. Upon impact, the wave creates an explosion that engulfs the victim in blinding light, usually burning victims before finishing. It's most affective against those who reek of darkness and to those who are demonic (essentially to those who are evil).[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]■ [color=A9A9A9][b][Forbidden Dark Slash][/b][/color][/u] [indent]When the user is in a desperate state of rage and anger, he can gather all the darkness within his soul into his sword as he unleashes a fury of dark-type strikes on his opponent. After finishing, a massive explosion occurs as it begins sucking away at the opponent's health. This dark ability is to be used cautiously, as those inexperienced are prone to be corrupted by this very move. It's most affective against angelic foes.[/indent][/indent] [u][b][color=a2d39c]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/color][/b][/u] [indent]While Calistrophus' elements give him a boost in certain stats, it also lowers a certain buff from him (as stated in his fighting style). His fire element produces more attack power, but sacrifices in defense, making him prone to get wounded easily. His water element produces more defense power, but unless he's inside a body of water, his movement speed is nerfed significantly, making him less capable of dodging attacks as frequent. And his air element produces more movement speed, but nerfs his attack power, making his attacks less affective then they usually are. Only his default element, Earth, doesn't have a significant disadvantage, but also doesn't give him an advantage in any aspect as these buffs are balanced out equally. As also stated, his elements can also be countered by other elemental users using certain elements. Water users can douse his fire element; Earth can compromise movement with water; etc. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b][color=39b54a]OTHER[/color][/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent]TBA[/indent][/indent] [/hider]