Roxy flinched when Jess touched her shoulder. Touch wasn't something that she had ever enjoyed. The empath had no idea what was going on and it was important that the other woman never know what she had gotten herself into. Jess deserved better than she had gotten. If it wasn't so hard to match an achor to an empath she would have refused to accept the match. But she knew that the other woman had already spent years alone. [color=blue]"You should try to eat. We have alot of work this afternoon." [/color]Roxy said picking up her sandwich determined to eat as much as she could. The job she had agreed to do would be in as soon as she reopened the shop. She pushed the thought away. If she thought too much about it she wouldn't be able to eat. If she didn't eat than Jess wasn't likely to eat and the empath needed to eat.