[@iTem][@Gardevoiran][@superservo27][@t2wave][@Shard][@BKburke] SAL quickly observed the situation on their makeshift battlefield. He hadn't offered any advice in the planning of the defense strategy and instead had simply done what was asked of him, pulling furniture from the offices and supply closets to construct the barricade and a few lower barricades for the team to use as cover. The Skaldurm had burned through the sealed door with a laser torch, then shortly afterward had blasted through the barricade. Matija and Harrison bickered as the fight started and Tibulus had to run out and use the shock trap early to cover her retreat back to their cover. Then, as quickly as it began, there was a lull in the fighting, as the Skaldurm pulled back, just out of sight. SAL heard the stomping of armored feet. It appeared the Skaldurm had devised a new plan of attack slightly faster than anticipated. After a quick chamber check to ensure his shotgun was loaded, he wheeled around the corner and saw them. A line of vikings were slowly making their way down the narrow hallway, the three in front hoisting steel slabs in front of them like shields. They must have used their laser torch to rip the door into smaller, more manageable pieces, or maybe even ripped paneling down from the walls of the entry chamber. Either way, this was less than ideal. Just as they reached the edge of the water puddle that remained on the floor, they stopped, and dropped the slab in the middle, covering up the water. Before SAL or anyone else cold loose a shot, the shield slab they dropped was replaced by another. Before they continued to walk forward, the barrels of several laser rifles poked out between the cracks in the shield wall and one by one began to open fire as they marched further down the hall. Nobody on his side moved or made any suggestion, so against his better judgement, SAL began to speak into the team comms and take charge of the situation. "I calculate an 82.6% chance of us sustaining casualties if we remain in this configuration." He said, looking down at Koren and Harrison "You two pull back to the secondary position with Matija. When the lane opens, begin a concentrated stream of fire. Support trio, get ready to cover Harrison and Koren as they move back. Tobi, get ready."