[hider=Seorsa Atar] [color=00a651]Name:[/color] Seorsa Atar [color=00a651]Age:[/color] 120 [color=00a651]Apparent Age:[/color] 19 [color=00a651]Race:[/color] Wood Elf [hider=Appearance] [img]https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/83454cc53c13b123061ab4a1ea51c9a2/5B0A498D/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/11379243_714455658663593_1413544058_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTAwMzY0NDI5OTkxMjk4MjEyNg%3D%3D.2[/img] [color=f26522]Appearance:[/color] Seorsa's appearance could only be described by what the mortals call “passing.” Unlike many other wood elves whose skin tone tends to be copper in nature, Seorsa's is fair like the bark of a birch tree giving him a more cool toned appearance than that of his warmer skinned brethren. His hair follows his cool skinned tone being a beautiful pale autumnal red. It's in a medium length bushy style that gives off an almost innocent vibe to Seorsa, helps cover the tips of his ears, and is typically adorned with a flower crown consisting of jasmine vine, ranunculus, hellebore, and viburnum berries which are interwoven through each other and his hair using magic (though the flowers may change depending on season). Seorsa stands at a mere five feet eight inches sporting a slender frame as many elves do. His face is be-speckled across his cheeks and nose only, helping to not only accentuate the pale skin beneath but also the forest green eyes that tend to entrance most who stare into them. A good portion of his clothing is hempen if not leather or pure cotton and would typically consist of an asymmetrically cut jacket with a hood, a plain loose fitting shirt that falls mid thigh, and well fitting pants, president styled boots, and an assortment of bracelets, and necklaces.[/hider] [color=00a651]Personality:[/color] Seorsa's appearance lends to the idea that he is what is typically referred to as a “cinnamon roll” and although he argues that he isn't a baked delicacy, they would be correct for the most part in the assumption. He tries to be a healer above all else and can be naive at times when it comes to how people treat him. Seorsa is a friendly and compassionate person who believes there is some good to everyone even when they don't know it themselves. His love for nature is almost unmatched and is one of the few reasons why he sees humans with both pity and disdain for the atrocities they have committed to the planet. Just like belladonna, one must take for how they treat Seorsa for not only is he capable of using his herbology and magic to heal and help but he is also well versed in how to use it to both fight, defend, and poison those who wish to vex him or his friends. [hider=History] History: At a young age Seorsa began to exhibit his potential for magic as well as his interest in nature. What better place to be raised in then then the ancient forests where most wood elves dwelled, hidden away from a variety of creatures most of all humans. It was in these forests that he called home and was gifted the name of Seorsa Atar which in his native tongue translated roughly to “Natures Father.” He began his training with other elven mages in order to hone his skills and bring them to new heights; this training took a good portion of his years as he was skilled in elemancy including phosphoromancy, cultivating these skills to better help nature and grow a variety of herbs, flowers, and so on. He opened up his own herbal shop in his elven village which consisted of many homeopathic rememdies, as well as teas, herbs used for cooking, sages for burning and many more useful botanical beauties all grown right in the shop by Seorsa himself. As Seorsa's magic began to grow, as well as his love for nature, he began to form a strong connection to the life that pulsated within each piece of natures splendor which only served to divide him from those who sought to bring harm to it. Many years passed that the elves could live in peace, though hidden away, they never had to fear the ruthlessness of man nor endure the pollution they brought with them. Seorsa knew this pollution as “the blight of man” and viewed it as a dark curse that would soon destroy all life that inhabited the planet. It came as a huge surprise when one day a missive arrived at the pleasant village and informed the villagers that the land no longer belonged to them and would have to be forfeited within the next lunar cycle to make way for the new cities that were to be built. A commotion broke out as cries and pleas flew out of elven tongues saying that this was their home and that the humans should reconsider what it is they asked of them. It was then that the village elder came forth and placed his hand up silencing the crowd and reminded them who they were, what a proud race they are and that no matter where they venture they will always find home in nature. Seorsa's heart broke at the news that not only would his home and shop be demolished but that the blight had reached their forests and would soon leave it a desolate waste of concrete and smog as humans tend to create and it was at this moment that he realized that perhaps the humans were as cold as the stone they laid down. Now in his century Seorsa has put up a new shop selling the same form of wares but in the slums of a human city. His people ran out of places to hide and were forced to live in the slums of the city with hair disheveled and hidden ears, their tongue barely spoken unless in secret in order to hide their heritage so as to quell the disdain that humans held for the children of the dusk. His prices were more than reasonable for he realized that those who lived in this area whether children of the dusk or dawn, were all looked down upon as the scum slathered on the bottom of a heel. He aided any who needed healing using his tonics and potions as best he could to cure the many diseases that continuously popped up due to the horrid living conditions. If not for his ability to grow his family and many others would have starved many years ago. Though Seorsa held some darkness in his heart towards humans he knew and recognized that those that surrounded him and the children whose smiles would appear when he would aid them were not the same monsters that tore down his home and most likely had no idea of the vile actions those men did. It was in the back of his shop one day as the doors were closed for the evening that he received the letter as he was working on growing a new crop of Echinicea to help with the growing spread of fevers across the slums. He was unsure of how to feel at the notion but knew that if there was knowledge that he could attain on how best to serve these people and to show these humans what natures values are, then he would do what it takes to acquire it and so he set forth.[/hider] Other [/hider]