Rhazii's reaction to his mother was predictably defensive. He scrunched up his face until Ahnasha moved her hand away, before looking at her with ears angrily down. "Mother!" he said, stretching out the second syllable. "Do you have to call me that in front of everyone? Ugh..." His disgust was put aside when Ciinriel spoke. Rhazii turned his red eyes curiously to Ciinriel. "Umm..." He slightly turned his head. "I...remember mother and father talking about you, but...how old was I back then?" "Very young," Fendros chimed in. "Not even six years old, I think." He smiled at Ciinriel. "And if you do remember Ciinriel, you might have known her a little differently to now." Rhazii looked at Ciinriel again, wracking his brain. He exhaled and shrugged. "Sorry, I don't remember much from back then. Only a few images." Marod, Lunise, and the rest of the delegates found their seats before long. The din of conversation was well dispersed by the expansive cavern, though the items enchanted for the speakers would still be necessary.