[@Flamelord] When you say "I wish I could write" I am not sure if you mean it like "I wish I could write scenes like that better" or "I wish I had an [i]opportunity[/i] to write scenes like that." In an attempt to seem far more humble than I actually am, I'm going to assume it's the latter. The trick to getting scenes like that is really just communication and planning. This scene and the one at the pit stop were both ideas that I had months in advance that eventually had an opportunity to be realized. but every once in a while they can happen out of the blue, but in a combat focused RP like this one it can be hard to find an opportunity. Outlaw pirate Amber and stern beacon girl Alicia could probably have a number of interesting conversations. And they'll have plenty of opportunities to speak during the trip to the castle once they arrive in the over city [s]unless the GM chooses to ambush us as soon as we arrive.[/s] Also, just because characters are fighting now doesn't mean characters who hate each other can't have dialog like that. Amber and Mariette had a brutal fight, but the pit stop scene was able to happen because of it. And if I entirely misinterpreted what you said... uh... Thank you!