Daiki studied the Prince's silent servant. He'd heard of some ditto faking their way into human families. Some of the less tolerant court youngsters had even openly teased him with the possibility of his mother being a ditto. His father had assured Daiki his mother was a princess from islands across the sea, but he'd forbidden his son from ever going to look. Daiki felt ambivalent towards the Johto invasion. If they did conquer the whole region, he could go looking for his mother. [color=39b54a]"The three don't care. Nor do their lord. We're all just jabbering mankeys to them. Human problem, human fix."[/color] Daiki shuffled his mask back over his face, as if embarrassed by the length of the sentence. Instead, he reached down and scratched Hitoko, which cued Yukiko to nudge his other hand. They disliked one getting more attention than the other. He wanted one of the apriballs too, if only to figure out if they hurt pokemon. His first instinct was to try destroy any he found, but human brains were good for thinking. He had to think before deciding.