[hider=Lucy McAllister] [center][h2][color=Maroon]Lucy McAllister[/color][/h2] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjEyNzg2NTM4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzcxNzMwNjE@._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img] [sub][I]"A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell"[/I] -[b]Thomas Fuller[/b][/sub][/center] [indent][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [I]Lucy McAllister[/i][/indent] [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] [I]Female[/i] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] [I]12[/i] [b][u]Birthday:[/u][/b] [I]March 27[/i] [indent][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/indent] [b][u]Hair:[/u][/b] [I]Brown[/i] [b][u]Eyes:[/u][/b] [I]Blue-green[/i] [b][u]Height:[/u][/b] [I]5'3[/i] [indent][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/indent] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] [center][u]• Amicable • Insightful • Selfless • [/u][/center] [I]Lucy is the typical "nice girl" who gets along with just about everyone. She likes to engage in conversation with strangers and will give them her undivided attention when they feel like pouring their hearts out to her. Seldom losing her temper, people have at times attempted to push her buttons, and although some have succeeded in getting a reaction out of her, the rest were disappointed to have failed. But Lucy is patient, given that people aren't talking bad about those whom she cares about. She will go out of her way to help others in need and genuinely believes in making the world a better place.[/i] [b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b] [list][*]Resilient [*]Forgiving [*]Somewhat athletic [*]Trustworthy[/list] [b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b] [list][*]A bit naive [*]Too independent at times [*]Shy [*]Forgetful[/list] [b][u]Likes:[/u][/b] [list][*]Being with family and friends [*]Reading [*]Solving puzzles [*]Animals [*]Amusement parks[/list] [b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b] [list][*]Being around smokers [*]Others ignoring her when she's talking [*]Unnecessary cruelty towards people or animals [*]Judgmental people[/list] [b][u]Fears:[/u][/b] [list][*]Having to experience unbearable pain [*]Being alone in complete darkness [*]Snakes[/list] [b][u]Power:[/u][/b] [I]Orange. She's able to influence people's thoughts, and to some extent, their actions.[/i] [b][u]Family:[/u][/b] Charles "Charlie" McAllister - Father - 39 - Alive - Seeking answers Damien McAllister - Brother - 18 - Alive - Helping his father find Lucy [b][u]History:[/u][/b] [I]The McAllisters were a happy family of three growing up. Jamie McAllister, Charlie's late wife and mother to Damien and Lucy, died during childbirth. Regardless of the many times Charlie tried to convinced Lucy that her mother's death had not been her fault, Lucy nonetheless blamed herself continuously, at some point in her life even going as far as shutting everyone else out for weeks. But eventually, when Lucy was old enough to get a better grasp on her emotions, she came to terms with the fact that the incident could have happened to anyone going through childbirth, and she shouldn't be too hard on herself due to a situation that was completely out of her hands. After the IAAN incident, the family went through a bit of a rough patch. Charlie and Damien became extremely over-protective of Lucy and obsessive over her every move. She wasn't allowed to go anywhere without either one of them present and if they didn't like a certain person, Lucy couldn't continue being friends with them. This drove her crazy at first, but deep down she understood their need to be so strict with her. When the government made the announcement of the so-called "Rehabilitation Camps", the family, blinded by the notion that Lucy would get better, reported her to the proper officials. It was amidst such process that they realized a little too late that something wasn't right. Coming late in the evening to retrieve Lucy, PSFs used more force than necessary and when Charlie attempted to explain to them that they had to be gentle with her, they forcibly removed him out of the room. Lucy became extremely nervous, fighting against the two agents that each had a hold on her arm. She screamed and kicked as they forced her out of her home, and it was when they were about to place her inside the vehicle that she wished they would just turn the other way and leave her alone. As if by a miracle, one of the two agents restraining her did just that. His partner called out to him, but the agent continued walking away. Lucy was just as surprised, not knowing what was going on, but she took advantage of the situation and she cut loose, running down the street to get as far away as possible. Unfortunately for her, Lucy didn't get too far before the third PSF rushed out of her home and chased her down to use the White Noise device against her. Lucy fell to the ground, crying out in pain as she was quickly incapacitated and apprehended. The next few hours were a blur, and it took a long time before she realized she wasn't having a terrible nightmare.[/i] [u][b]Theme Song:[/b][/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaVA6sgOpws]Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Cover) - Lorde[/url] [sub][i]There's a room where the light won't find you Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down[/i][/sub] [/hider]