[h3]Menomaru[/h3] That damn girl. She had somehow avoided being stabbed. Does she have eyes in her back or something? He did not have enough time to ponder on that idea. She was coming. He gritted his teeth. He quickly on featherlight steps made his way out of the manhole as fast as he could, jumping forwards every now and then in a zig zag pattern to get more of a distance from the lightning crackling knight chasing him. Dashing at high speed out of the manhole with the knight still close behind him. She was fast. He could almost feel her breathing down his neck. The moths that had been placed between them had been easily destroyed aswell. Only some remained in the room with the slug like creature. Menomaru's eyes quickly darted and looked for Minami, as he jumped up into the air and overviewed the situation. Private Minami. She would make a fine hostage while he would make his withdrawal. That fool Mordred would surely not swing her sword recklessly with an innocent such as that girl being in the way. Then it came to his realization that his plan may still work, but not in the sense he may have first thought. [h3]Alberich[/h3] Alberich swung his flaming crystal blade before him to clear the moths out of his face and way. Mordred had rushed after that other person. Menomaru. Both of them were loud enough to surely trigger that monster in here to move for them. His decision came quickly. There was absolutely nothing to be gained fighting that monster on his own. Secondly that moth man had tried to fool him. That was to be paid back for. Alberich ran after Mordred as fast as he could. [b]"Wait! Mordred!"[/b] Was this a part of that moth man's plan? To lure them- No. To lure it. He wanted them to pick who to fight and no matter which one he would come out on top of it with people dying. By his hand to boot. He was playing them. Normally Alberich would be the one to use his intellect to battle his foes, and in a sense he could respect someone using ones brain. But this guy had picked on the wrong person. Alberich Delta Megrez, the sixteenth in the noble line. The brain of Asgard. This was unacceptable. [b]"He is trying to lure it to the surface! Mordred! Forget him for now! We have to stop this thing or it will tear up the city! We deal with him after!" [/b] Alberich was not comfortable in leaving his back against the manhole. That thing was surely coming. Fighting from two sides at once would not be favorable. He gripped his sword with both hands and held it to his side. Waiting to see what Mordred would do. If she decided to chase after the mothman he would join the pursuit or if she would stay so would he. Splitting up was not a good idea. No matter how hotheaded the knight were. [h3]Emilio[/h3] After abit of looking around her found Vita standing about with ash all around her. [b]"Aha? Finished already? What a shame..."[/b] He rested his left hand at his waist still hovering mid-air. [b]"What's with that hat? How did you get it? Do I... know you?"[/b] Emilio tilted his head, looking Vita over with his ghostly purple eyes. Something was gnawing at him. That hat. The skirt. The braided hair. It was someone he knew who looked just like that. Someone very close. Why couldn't he remember? The more he tried to think about it the more painful it got. [i]What are you doing? Don't get in my way or I have to deal with you.[/i] A voice in his head said to him. [b]"Who goes there?"[/b] Emilio said out to seemingly no one with a serious tone in his voice before he shook his head. There was an uneasy feeling. What was going on?