Ok because I was just wondering how the reaping worked. I had assumed the Gem elders/leaders chose the girls through a semi calculated way, and then gave the chosen to the Drakken once a year as demanded. Like they would choose the orphan girls, spare daughters, and volunteers if any. They would try their best not to reap more then one daughter per family. Families with more then one child have a higher chance of reaping then those with only a single daughter...etc? Or do the Drakken personally come once a year, and all the Gem girls within age range gather, and the Drakken just take whoever they fancy? Then I also thought it could be more random like the hungers games reaping, where names are just drawn from a hat, and its up to fate. Just wondering about the age range, because if it was set for Gem girls 18 to 20 then there would be a three year time span where woman know not to make plans, fall in love, marry, or idk take priestess vows? Similar to the hunger games where there is a set age range, and once you age out you are safe? Like what if there was a 20 something girl who is already married to a Gem dude, would she still be in the running for being reaped?